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The sun struck down on Konoha, the air was slightly chilly since it was spring but none of the villagers seemed to have mind. Sasuke sat in the Hokage seat, busy working on whatever paperwork was left from Yukine's earlier work.

He didn't care for the slight knock at the door, he mumbled a quiet 'come in' and paid no attention to the person who stood in front of his desk.

"What a way to greet your fiancée." She muttered, her hand on her hips as she pouted.

Sasuke finally looked up and dropped his pen, he leaned back in his chair and smirked. "I should say the same to you." The glint around her neck and on her finger made him smile.

"I told you I was visiting today." She sat on his desk, knowing how much he hated when she did so. "I didn't expect to see you working."

"Yukine is busy enjoying his anniversary with his boyfriend." Sasuke rolled his eyes and stood up, he walked in front of her and stopped, trapping her on his desk. "I needed to finish when he started slacking off." His thumb caressed her hand and then he brought his hand up to caress her cheek. "How's living with Shion?"

Hinata grumbled, "she's so...."


"Yes! I always need to train whenever she's not travelling. When can I come home?" She nuzzled his hand slightly.

"Soon, after the wedding. I said I'm fixing the place." Sasuke rested his forehead on her own, kissing her nose, "just be a little patient."

"I am patient." She rolled her eyes, "about that greeting though..."

Sasuke shook his head and let her pull him into a kiss. He rested his hand on her waist, biting on her lip softly. "Happy?"

"Mmhm...maybe if we—"

"Hinata." Yukine burst through the door and pushed Sasuke aside to hug the woman, "you're here!"

She laughed and ruffled his hair, much to his displeasure but he didn't complain. "Yeah, what's up?"

"Nothing. I just heard you were here so I wanted to greet you, but I see you two are busy so I should probably leave you alone." He laughed ignoring the way Sasuke stared holes into the back of his skull. Not only did he ditch him for his boyfriend, but now he was interrupting his moments with his returning fiancée.

"No it's okay—"

"It's not."

"Well...I'll get going before I get trapped in something I don't want to be in." Yukine mumbled, escaping the possibility of resuming the paperwork Sasuke was now tasked with.

Hinata laughed as Sasuke sat back down and muttered incoherent words under his breath. "How's everything going with you and the village?"

"Nothing new."

"Did you manage to acquire the smaller villages around Konoha? I got rid of the bandits that terrorized the townspeople. Please tell me you did." She pestered him.

"Why are you curious?" He stamped a paper and moved it onto the finished pile.

"They have an amazing bakery, and I wanted you to try their cakes so we could figure out which one we want for the wedding." She put her hand on top of the new file he was about to open. "I'm here and you're paying attention to your paperwork more than me."

"I have a few left, and then you'd have all my attention." He lifted her hand, trying to read through her fingers.

"You had no issue disregarding them when I would live with you." She pouted, walking around the desk to stand beside him. She purposely leaned over, her lavender scent washing over him.

"Are you planning on moving back in?" He closed his eyes, trying to calm his desire. He was not about to leave this paperwork for tomorrow.

"I thought you said I'd have to wait until the wedding." She pushed his chair back and sat on his lap. "Unless, you want to speed up the process." She smiled.

When his eyes opened, his sharingan was activated and his rinnegan glowed softly. "Tell me about that bakery." He picked her up.

Hinata wrapped her arm around his neck, "they have really nice pastries. I think you'd like the cheesecake."

"I should tell Shion you won't be coming back."

They left the office, leaving behind a pile of paperwork, his Hokage hat, and a map of nations they were planning on overtaking.

He had other priorities at the moment.

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