Entry 23: All Of You

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Entry 23: All Of You

He gave her a run for her money.

Maybe she regretted it a tiny bit.

Hinata didn't have any time to think as Sasuke rushed towards her to exchange some fists. His sword wasn't drawn yet which made her relax slightly but it never meant he was looking down on her abilities.

She panted as she jumped back, missing a punch to the stomach by a few seconds, but she was still not off the hook. Sasuke was in front of her face before she could even breathe properly.

Activating her byakugan, the now familiar purple outline of chakra came into view. Fighting with Sasuke was much more difficult than fighting with Shion or Yukine. That was proven by the constant moving of the string that kept disappearing and reappearing over and over again as Sasuke avoided her strikes.

Just when she thought she had it, it was gone again and so was Sasuke who had suddenly disappeared. Still staying on guard, Hinata looked around cautiously.

"You've gotten better." He whispered in her ear as she whipped around and got ready to strike him only for her wrists to be caught in his tight grip.

Slumping over, she deactivated her byakūgan, grumbling to herself that he didn't let her win even though he's constantly told her he would. She was starting to think that it was his way to get her excited.

"Do you want to grab lunch?" Hinata asked when he let her go. She fixed her — Sasuke's — sweater before standing up straight. She mentally took notes to purchase her own set of clothing, not that she didn't mind using Sasuke's or his mother's stored away ones.

Sasuke thought for a moment, "it wouldn't hurt." He shrugged, completely forgetting about the poor boy he left in the office to take care of his work.

Hinata smiled and tuned around, leading the way back into the village and to a small sushi booth near the Hokage tower so that Sasuke can get there much faster when they were done.

Sasuke just watched her as she walked. The slight sway of her hips that wasn't hard to notice, the way the sunlight seemed to drown in the dark tresses of her hair, and the way her finger tips were a soft pink from using her gentle fist.

Hinata was pretty.

He'd be a fool to not admit that. She was breathtaking and pleasing to look at even when she wasn't covered in makeup or the finest of clothes, which he had noticed the lack of. She never pampered herself, and he could only guess that it was a personal choice. After all, she could have bought whatever she wanted in the village to fix herself.

"What's on your mind?" Hinata fell back to walk beside him when she noticed that he was a bit further away from her than before.

"Nothing." He answered, a bit embarrassed to tell her that she clouded his every thought.

Hinata tilted her head to the side, "I doubt it's 'nothing'. You're always thinking, Uchiha." She smiled and looked ahead. Her hands were clasped behind her.

The two continued walking, separated by just a wisp of air but never complained. Not paying attention to anything in particular, Sasuke reacted on reflects when someone suddenly bumped into him.

A woman who was no younger than him had fallen to the ground, the things she held spilling beside her. Her cheeks were dusted pink at the sudden attention from the people around her.

"I'm so sorry, I should have watched where I was going." Her head was bowed as she apologized.

Sasuke kneeled down to help pick up her things, holding his hand out for just a moment to help her stand up.

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