Entry 9: Unexpected Saviour

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Entry 9: Unexpected Saviour [M]

He didn't understand anything that lay on the desk, nor did he try to understand it. Yukine threaded his fingers through his hair and groaned as the secretary brought more papers for him. He thanked her and proceeded to separate them into piles of things he approved and things he thought Sasuke would disapprove.

If this was what being Hokage felt like, he didn't blame the Uchiha for running away. It's been about a week since he walked into an empty house, Sasuke's trench coat and weapons gone. A week since he's seen the Uchiha. The villagers didn't know, they didn't need to know.

Explaining to them that Sasuke left simply because he was angry would scare them and give an open opportunity for his enemies to attack the village, for now, the boy performed simple henge techniques to transform into the Uchiha until he got home.


Was it really his home when he pushed the owner away? His fear and care for someone he barely knew angered Sasuke but he couldn't help it. Hinata was kind despite her lies and secret agendas, that he knew for sure. You can't fake kindness.

Speaking of the pale eyed woman, she was being handled by someone else. Yes, he could have her let go but he didn't want to upset Sasuke even more. He already hurt him enough as it is, he wanted to avoid his death as much as possible. One wrong move and he would join Hinata in those cages, or even worse, he could end up dead.

He shivered at that thought and leaned back, looking out the window at the setting sun. Sasuke needed to get back, he didn't know how long he could keep this place secured without assassins catching on that he wasn't the man they were after.

The breeze was cold when he left the office, the trees swayed, losing their leaves slowly. The colder months were approaching as summer finished. The greens were turning into a gradient of red and yellow, it made the village look amazing.

Yukine stopped at a café and ordered some coffee, his eyes on the cinnamon rolls that Hinata enjoyed whenever they hung out. Making a quick note to order some for her, he left with a heavy heart.


She laid in a crumpled pile, her breathing heavy as she was hit over and over again. She felt a few of her ribs shift, sure that they were broken and she had no power to fix them herself. The heavy leather hit her again, making her cry out, a thick cut and bruise appearing where she was hit.

Hinata hadn't seen the Uchiha in what she could have guessed was a little under a week, or was it more? She half wished that he would come back and punish her instead, this new guard...something was off about him. He made sure she felt pain every damn day, she was so close to dying whenever he was finished but everything started again the next day.

She wanted to give up, she wanted him to kill her so she could stop feeling like this. Her body was covered in disgusting bruises and half healed cuts that were more than a few millimetres in width. She reached out for the door, trying to get away but the thick whip hit her again, making her collapse.

"Please, stop!" She cried, curling into a fetal position as she was hit again and again. Her vision got darker, her skin became numb to the constant hitting.

Then everything was normal.

She knew it was false, he just got tired of her. She felt the wind prickle her now sensitive skin as the door opened to let in a mediocre nurse who didn't clean her wounds nor wrapped them. A faint glow enveloped the cuts and stopped after a few minutes. The bleeding stopped but the cuts remained open, exposed to germs and infections.

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