Entry 27: Saving Grace

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Entry 27: Saving Grace

The beeping of the hospital monitor woke him up, he let out a groan as he tried sitting up. Where was he? And what was going on? He let his eyes adjust to the brightness in the room. Sitting in the corner was the annoying silver haired sensei he knew all his life.


"Sasuke, I'm glad that you're awake." He sat up and approached the bed ridden Uchiha.

"Where am I?"

"Konoha, don't worry, we didn't do anything to your village beside the initial damage of the brawl between Naruto and yourself. Everyone is safe."

"Then why are you still here? Why am I alive? Where is Hinata?"

Kakashi sighed, "Sakura saved you and removed the poison from your system hence why you're still alive, although, it took a few weeks for you to wake up. We're still here because we couldn't leave the village without making sure you were okay. As for Hinata...She was taken back to Suna to be punished."

Sasuke disregarded Kakashi's statement the moment he heard about Hinata, he tried getting out of bed but immediately fell back down due to nausea. "You can't do that."

"We legally can, Hinata is a citizen of Suna, we have a say over her."

"You're going to kill her."

"Maybe." Kakashi frowned behind his mask.

"Maybe? You will." Sasuke activated his rinnegan and quickly teleported to the Hokage tower, displeased at what he saw.

Yukine sat behind the desk as Naruto interrogated him.

"Get out of my office. And out of my village." He stumbled and held onto the wall so he wouldn't fall. "Now."

"Sasuke, calm down."

"You don't start a war and tell me to calm the fuck down. I want all of you gone." He glared at Naruto.

Not wanting to fight, Naruto turned to Yukine and then gave Sasuke an apologetic look before leaving.

"Sasuke!" Yukine ran to him and helped him lay down on the couch. "I was starting to get worried. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything about Hinata...I tried but they were stronger than me."

"Was she awake? Did they heal her?" Sasuke wiped his sweat and closed his eyes.

"She was still unconscious when they took her but, yes, she was healed. They let you keep the village. Hinata was all they wanted but I don't understand. Don't they have a grudge against you?"

"They're doing this to punish me. It's not the first time."

The Uchiha massacre came to mind.

"We can still save Hinata..."

Sasuke was silent for a moment, his eyes trained on the door. "We can't."


"Drop it Yukine." Sasuke opened his desk and pulled out a scroll, he wrote on it quickly and showed it to the young boy.

"I don't get it! You've worked so hard trying to make everyone happy. Yet you let them take the person who made you happy away without even fighting."

"Who said I didn't fight?"

"You're not fighting right now, you're crying, I can see that. You're hurt and you're probably scared, under normal circumstances I would probably be dead for pointing this out. You miss her already and it's not too late to get her back."

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