Entry 13: Submission

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Entry 13: Submission

Naruto ran quickly, sweat dripping from his forehead as he ran through another tunnel. Long before he ended up in his predicament, Kiba was separated from him. Kissing his teeth, he stopped and looked at the split path. No one would know what was in either direction, each ending being swallowed by darkness.

He froze in his spot when he heard a scream. He needed to find a way out of this god forsaken maze. Cursing his naivety, he mentally beat himself for thinking Sasuke was just going to leave the Hokage tower after knowing they were trying to find Hinata.

Taking a left, he continued running, praying that the others were okay. He didn't pay attention to the doors he passed, too scared to open them and see something disturbing.

Then he heard a sound.

Turning around quickly, he walked slowly towards where he thought it came from. Over the course of his training, he managed to increase his ear sensitivity, the littlest sounds were picked up.

Someone was crying.

He was standing at a different cross roads than before, gone were the two different hallways, now there were four possible paths. Naruto ducked behind a corner when he heard the sounds of metal scrapping the floors.


Sasuke found him. He held his breath and walked backwards. His hands were pressed against the wall, feeling for some sort of handle. Opening the first door he found, he hid inside and leaned against it.

It was pitch black in the room, the only light provided was that of the hallways. He watched as Sasuke's shadow walked passed him. Counting to thirty, he let out the breath he didn't know he was holding.

Feeling the walls for any light switch, he grinned when he felt a button and the room became illuminated.

Then he saw her.

Naruto moved further into the room and watched her get up and move to the bathroom, his guess confirming that it was Hinata he was staring at. She looked thinner, and he could see the faint marks on her skin, the rest of her body was covered with bandages.

'What did you do Sasuke?'

Hinata looked calmer than she should be. It almost scared the Uzumaki at how...nonchalant she was being about her situation. Hinata came back out with a distraught look on her face.

He needed to help her. Looking around, he tried to find any sort of information that would let him find her room in this bunker of mazes. Nothing gave away her precise location, all he knew was that the room he was currently in, was right beside hers. Though there was no door to enter it.

Right before he decided to leave and search the place for an entrance to the room the Hyuga was trapped in, he watched as Sasuke walked in, blood on his clothing.

Hinata walked up to him and bowed her head in submission. The sight disgusted Naruto, this wasn't the ANBU captain he knew, she would never submit to their enemy this way.

He didn't want to watch this anymore but his eyes remained glued on the two, waiting to see what Sasuke would do. His fists remained clenched at his side as the Uchiha pulled her up by her hair and stared at her face. His bruised hand wrapped around her neck and their lips connected.

Naruto gritted his teeth.


She remained frozen in her spot as she felt his lips touch her own. Her hands were glued to her side, eyes wide as she stared at him. Then her legs started feeling weak. Right before she was sure she was going to fall, his other hand was swiftly wrapped around her waist and holding her up.

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