Entry 3: Change

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Entry 3: Change

The pressure on her chest is what greeted her in the morning. The soft breathing of the girl who was too occupied in her dreamland to notice that the sun was rising and the world was coming alive. She threaded her fingers through the soft, pink strands and watched as it fell down lifelessly.

Taking a look at the alarm clock that was perched onto the mantle next to the mirror, Hinata shook Sakura awake, trying her hardest not to frighten her. Instead of opening her eyes, the pinkette turned the other way and grumbled.

After a long shift at the hospital the night before, it was no surprise that she was insanely tired and drained. Wiggling herself out of her grip, receiving a few complaints, Hinata got up to freshen herself up and prepare breakfast.

It wasn't long until Sakura walked out of the bedroom with a bad case of bed head, her temples throbbed in pain as she sat down and rested her head against the table.

"Here." Hinata pushed a cup of the pinkette's favourite tea and a few painkillers towards her. "You need to eat something, then you'll feel better."

"Thanks." She mumbled, closing her eyes once again when the cup was empty and the pills were gone. "God, can I just have one day at home." Sakura looked at Hinata through her bangs, bags evident under her eyes.

Just as she had wanted, her midnight blue strands were cut into a fine bob, framing her delicate face and bringing attention to her eyes. Since it was tucked behind her ears, her piercings were very obvious.

Hinata would hide them in the presence of her other friends and her clan, especially her father who didn't favour such behaviour. She had both a double helix and a forward helix piercing, as well as an industrial one that ran from one side of her ear to the other. The other side was a direct copy of the right ear. All were secretly chakra holders.

Advised by her previous ANBU trainer when she had just began her duties, she had her ears pierced and installed special earrings that would later store an enormous amount of chakra.

Tilting her head to the side, causing her hair to cover her ears again, Hinata stared at Sakura in confusion. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing...the hair cut suits you." Sakura smiled and got up, taking her cup to the sink, feeling much better once the painkillers became active in her system.

"Awe, thanks." Hinata leaned back against the chair, her arms crossed as she studied the pinkette. "Sakura...I can sense something is wrong. Talk to me."

She bit her lip, hiding her face from the lilac eyes that followed her. Itching her hand, she turned around and watched Hinata in sadness. Confusion. That's all she felt. Was this right? Something was off, she felt uneasy. Fear? She had no clue but whatever was happening was scaring her.

"Do you think this is...right?" Sakura looked down, avoiding her eyes.

"Think what is right?" Hinata stood in front of her.


"Of course, why?"

"I-I...I've been questioning myself Hinata. I don't think..." The look in Hinata's eyes silenced her, the hidden fear that flashed in those beautiful eyes of hers. She was sorry. "I don't think I can—"

"It's okay." She stepped back, a smile on her face as she hid the pain. Like she always did. "You don't have to explain yourself, I get it." Her voice lacked warmth, making Sakura flinch.

"I enjoyed it. I liked it at first but..."

"But not anymore. It's alright Sakura, I don't mind. Everyone can question themselves sometimes. I can't change it or stop that from happening." Hinata took a few steps back, until her back hit the wall. Her hands were hidden behind her back, her nails digging into her skin. Red crescents formed, some almost bleeding.

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