Entry 18: Rough Road

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Entry 18: Rough Road

He waited for a moment longer, trying to convince himself that she was okay. He knew what she meant by those words she muttered last. They were too late in realizing that their relationship — one built on hatred — was more than what they both convinced themselves it was.

All those months of him missing her presence, of doing research to learn more about her while ignoring Yukine or Karin who could tell that having her so far away from him was a challenge — and he only understood now.

Uchiha Sasuke has found the one person he enjoyed being around.

A part of him regretted putting her through so much pain. Hurting her and messing with her head, he didn't know he was doing himself a great disservice. What if it was different? What if he had let her go that day she tried running away?

He doubts that he would be this interested in the life of the Hyuga woman. He wouldn't bat an eyelash if it was someone else, but she had managed to infiltrate his mental walls and fortify them without him knowing. He couldn't even complain, because he let her do it.

Known or unknown, he didn't even struggle against whatever sorcery she casted the moment she introduced herself as Aeri. It didn't dissipate even when he tortured her, instead, it drove him mad just as he was doing to her.

An eye for an eye.

Looking down at her, he shifted himself and carefully cradled her head to lay her down. Calling for an ANBU, he asked that they retrieve Karin and have her meet him at the hospital. He was going to save her, just like she asked, even if it took all his resources.

Picking up the woman, he ignored the curious eyes of the ninjas and villagers who passed by as he made his way to the hospital. Who could that woman be? And why did he look so angry? They whispered amongst themselves, feeling upset on his behalf. Some followed him to the hospital, others bowed in apology.

The red haired Uzumaki was waiting in the receptionist area when he walked through the doors. She was going to question the sudden haste in his request for her until she saw the woman in his arms. "What happened?"

"Monitoring device." He placed Hinata on a stretcher, following the nurses and Karin as they escorted him into the private quarters of the hospital.

"Where?" She checked Hinata's vitals, frowning at the lack of activity. "How long has she been this way?"

"It's in her mouth." He stepped to the side, letting Karin examine the insides of Hinata's mouth. "Five minutes at best."

She closed her eyes and felt around every corner, pressing her fingers against each tooth until she paused. "I didn't think anyone would figure out how to do this." She mumbled, taking her hand out and throwing away her gloves. Karin turned to the nurse that accompanied them, "prepare the operating room and get the best medics in there at this instant."

"You know what it is?"

"Somewhat. She must have made a very serious vow for them to do this. If I can get it out of her mouth and cut off its connection to her nervous system...I can save her."

"That doesn't explain—"

"It's a spider-like contraption that was put there. It connected to the nerves in her mouth, and over time it spread to her spinal cord. It's a monitoring device, as you said, but it's more so to ensure loyalty. If whoever has the control over this thinks that she's no longer of value, they shut it off, which shuts off every part of her body until she's dead." Karina explained briefly, watching as the nurses took Hinata. "I didn't think anyone would be crazy enough to make it, I doubt anyone besides the higher ups know about it."

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