Entry 15: Fantasies

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Entry 15: Fantasies

The room was damp and cold, partially because it shared the heating system with another unit and it was a figment of her imagination. Even though the cold ate at her skin and clawed away her bodily heat ruthlessly, his arms seemed to provide the warmth once lost. Her nose was buried between the crook of his neck, a smile plastered on her face as she indulged in an almost forbidden act.

Opening her opaque eyes, tinted with a pale lavender colour that brought the attention to her features, she studied his sleeping face. A sculpted jawline framed by his black locks, she lifted her fingers and pressed his skin softly, afraid to wake him up.

Her fingers moved gently from his cheeks to caressing his pink tinted lips, she lingered on them for a while longer, too absorbed in her fantasy to notice his opened eyes that stared down at her.

'Good morning.' He mouthed as he let her kiss his cheek, both of them avoiding exchanging a passionate kiss, scared of their morning breath.

'Good morning.' She mouthed back, laying her head on his chest as she closed her eyes, letting his fingers thread through her hair and his heartbeat to lull her into a state of contentment and satisfaction.

His grip on her hair got tighter, making her eyes widen and a whimper to escape her throat. The smile on his face made her legs weak even while they remained tangled in his own. Her hands reached up to wrap around his wrist, but not restricting him.

"You look adorable, my little doll." His voice was deep, still affected from his sleeping state. His other hand dipped underneath the bed sheets and she could feel them rest on her hips and caress it.

Trying her hardest to not show a reaction, she ultimately failed when his fingers danced across her thighs before forcing her to lay on her back as he lifted himself to hover over her. Gone was his hand occupied with her hair, it now pinned her wrists above her head.

"Please..." Her voice was soft, almost inaudible as she silently begged him. To stop or to keep going? It was up to him but she knew that she wanted to feel his touch.

"Please what?" He taunted her, he removed his hand from her thigh, choosing to rest it on her stomach instead.

She bit her lip and looked away, "touch me, please."

The sudden knock on her door bothered her. Hinata opened her eyes and glared at the ceiling as she laid in an empty bed and sighed. She could practically feel her anticipation calming down before it could even reach its peak.

It was mid afternoon when she was rudely awaken by the pounding on her door, she sat up and grumbled, pulling the sheets off herself and heading to the bathroom to take care of her business.

"I'm coming." She called out lazily, grabbing a cup of water and setting the kettle to boil now that she was awake.

Opening the door, she saw a smiling Sakura, Ino and TenTen on the other end. She had to stop every fibre in her body yelling at her to slam the door in their faces.

"Oh were you asleep?" Ino noticed the annoyed look on Hinata's face.

The Hyuga woman just nodded, "I'm awake now, what do you guys need?"

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