Entry 2: Konoha

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Entry 2: Konoha

The dark hairs of the monster seemed to swallow every source of light in the room, his brooding attitude suffocated any living thing in his presence. His hands were folded in front of him, his glowing, devilish eyes staring at the bowing figure in front of him. Its shrill voice annoyed him. Its pleas fell on death's ears and was soon silenced when its body hit the floor.


He stood up, stepping over the body as though it was a mere piece of paper in his way. With a wave of his hands, it erupted in black flames, soon to be forgotten like its other counterparts moments ago. The doors opened, leading into the halls of his resting place. Ninjas stood on guard, monitoring everyone who walked in and out of his office. They bowed, chorusing a greeting to 'Lord Uchiha'.

He paid them no mind, continuing on his way. His trench coat hugged his figure, and a simple mask covered the lower half of his face. It didn't do much, seeing as everyone knew who he was, it only allowed him to hide his expressions even more. His hair rested just below his chin, shielding his rinnegan from view. The power he radiated made everyone around him proceed with caution.

Sasuke observed his village as he walked through the once bustling streets. Gone were the bright, annoying colours of every building, and the awful infrastructures accompanied with their equally grotesque designs and decor. What stood in their places were new, remodelled living accommodations. Pristine streets and homes, all painted in a variation of dark hues and shades. Districts which were destroyed in the evacuation of Konoha, was built even better than before.

What little faith did they have in him.

Everyone thought he would run the village into its own grave, allowing it to be ransacked and ruined by rogue ninjas. Instead, the people who remained, and those who returned, were genuinely shocked at how...alive everything looked. The flowers still bloomed in spring, the birds still sang in summer, children still played in the falling leaves of autumn, and winter was magical under the night sky. The only difference was that the residents of Konohagakure didn't have to worry about their safety.

Sasuke provided shelter for both those who had no home and the ones already occupying their own residence. It was his vision for Konoha that no one could see.

He scoffed.

Past generations, including his own, were so blinded by their own lavish lifestyle that they simply did not bother to look at those suffering. Why were there homeless orphans and families in a village that claimed to be a safe space for everyone? Gone were those who wondered the streets, searching for their next meal, now they were provided a warm place to live and free meals in one of the many buildings that was established.

Jobs changed. The academy allowed both civilians and ninjas to take on any teachings they wanted. Whether that be in the way of a ninja, medic, chemist or a merchant.

Unfortunately, to the outside world, Konoha remained a grave yard. Word quickly spread that Uchiha Sasuke attacked and took over the village. While other nations decided to stay clear of his wrath, most thought he was just a bluff and constantly sent assassins to kill him.

It made him laugh.

How naive of them to think a mere mortal could handle a monster like him. Even his own friend and teammate, the saviour of the ninja world, Uzumaki Naruto, couldn't stand a chance against him.

Sasuke stood at the entrance of the Uchiha district, the fan crest stood tall and proud. He managed to clean the place up, renovating every house and scrubbing the smell of blood off of the walls that enclosed it.

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