Entry 1: Suna

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Entry 1: Suna

Years had passed since the day Konohagakure came under a new ruling. The old residents were scattered across the other countries of the Elemental Nations. Some chose to reside in Sunagakure, others chose Kirigakure, Kumogakure or Iwagakure. The former ninjas of Konoha chose to stay in Suna, under the ruling of Gaara no Subaku. Although it took some time to get used to the constant heat of Suna, it was manageable and they all grew accustomed to it.

Many resumed their ninja duties under a new Kage while the rest decided to retire. Among those who continued their work was Hyuga Hinata, the former heiress of the Hyuga clan. Stepping down as the next ruler of the big clan, and handing that title to Hyuga Hanabi, her underling and sister, she spent her years training under Suna's own variation of the ANBU Black Ops.

Working her way up the ranks, Hinata was now appointed as a special task force leader, in charge of her own squad and trainees. Returning back from a mission in Iwa, she reported to Gaara personally, providing him the documents he had her look for. Being dismissed, she bowed and left, taking off her mask.

Everywhere she went, people greeted her, thanking her for her service. Many things have changed since they fled Konoha. Gone was her stutter and shy personality, what replaced it was a mask so difficult to break that it scared even the toughest ninjas she's come across, and a resolve that intimidated everyone who dared to stare her in the face. The carbon copy of her late cousin, Hyuga Neji, was what she was often times compared to by her peers.

She managed to make a name for herself which her father respected. Hinata opened the apartment door and took off her combat shoes, removing every weapon she had strapped onto her body before taking another step into the home.

"I'm home." She called out as she peeked into the living room and then the kitchen when she didn't hear a sound. Hinata made her way into the bedroom and saw the familiar pinkette getting dressed in front of the tall mirror that leaned against the wall. Smiling to herself, she walked over and wrapped her arms around the figure and buried her nose in the crook of her neck.

Haruno Sakura looked down slightly and held onto Hinata's hand, "welcome home." She turned around and kissed the Hyuga.

It wasn't long since they started seeing each other. Something sparked between them and they wanted to try it out. Although it wasn't anything serious, just the occasional date and sex, they were on the very borders of being friends with benefits.

"Glad to be here." Hinata dropped her mask and pulled Sakura closer, "any plans for tonight?" She turned her back around to stare at her through the mirror.

"Hm, not really, just a normal shift at the hospital and that's about it." She giggled when Hinata kissed her shoulder and let go. "Why? Did you want to take me out?"

Raising her eyebrow, the Hyuga woman shook her head. "I'm a little tired but we can have lunch or dinner or whatever if you're up for it."

"That would be great." Sakura slipped on a pair of socks and stretched. "Let's do it here, instead of spending money at a restaurant."

"I wasn't planning on spending money outside," she dropped her dirty ninja garments in the laundry basket.

The pink haired woman pouted, "on second thought, maybe it would be nice to go out."

"You're unbelievable."

"And you like that."


Hinata accompanied Sakura to the hospital, there was no reason for her to be there but she had nothing better to do. She bowed politely to the doctors who walked passed her, smiling at the children who waved at her. Her mind drifted back to the scroll she received on her way to the hospital. It wasn't anything to worry about, just a request from her father to join them for dinner at the Hyuga manor.

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