Entry 20: Restlessness

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Entry 20: Restlessness

He placed a few empty scrolls on the table in front of her. Hinata raised her eyebrow, looking up from her book, completely distracted now that he was standing in front of her.

"We're going to look for the elder." He answered her unasked question.

"You just got back from the office and it's late." She went back to reading her book.

"That wasn't a suggestion." He stared at her in disbelief. Since when did she feel so comfortable ignoring him?

"Was it an order?" She flipped the page, he didn't need to know that she currently had no interest in what she was reading. Hinata just loved annoying him. "I will get to it, Lord Hokage." She peeked at him from under her growing bangs.

Sasuke sighed in frustration, it was too late for her to start challenging him. Rubbing his forehead, he turned around and paused when she spoke again.

"Giving up already? The Sasuke I met practically refused to let anyone talk back." Hinata finally closed her book, set it down on the table and walked over to him. Her arms wrapped around his waist and she rested her head between his shoulders. "What's the rush?"

"Things feel too slow." He answered, having difficulty walking as she kept attaching herself back to him.

"So you want to get out of the village. You could have just said that. I'll pack our things in the morning — take it or leave it." She negotiated.

"Why aren't you asleep yet?" He untangled himself from her so that he could walk up the stairs without hurting himself or her.

"I was waiting for you. Yukine came home and said you were still doing some paperwork. That was five hours ago." She followed him.

Throwing herself against the bed, Hinata hummed while he changed. Making room for him, they faced each other in complete darkness. She activated her byakūgan and caressed his cheek.

"You're getting bags under your eyes." She whispered, "you need to sleep more."

"I can't with you creating more trouble." He mumbled, not minding how her warm breath tickled his face. She would always be a tad bit too close whenever they slept together but he never voiced his displeasure — it was nice feeling the warmth radiate off of her in waves.

"You like when I create trouble." She pouted. Hinata rarely did, she usually kept to herself in the village. In fact, it was like she wasn't even there. The problems, however, came with the constant inquiry about who she was and the occasional check-ins from Suna who still thought Sasuke was lying about her whereabouts [he was].

Hinata moved a little closer to him, feeling cold. "Is this okay?"

He opened his eyes to see where she was. Even if she slept close, she never moved too close. It was as if they were both afraid to touch each other whenever they were in the room alone. Anything beyond the occasional hugs she gave him, and the times he would rest his hand on her lower back whenever he moved around her in the kitchen, felt a little awkward. Their last time being 'intimate' was the day she was discharged.

Not bothering to say anything, he pulled her closer and fixed the duvet over the both of them. "You don't have to ask." He closed his eyes again.

"Well...I asked that time, so I figured that asking won't hurt again." Her lips grazed his chin at an attempt to kiss it. She made a small squeaky sound, covering her mouth. "You need to shave."

"You need to sleep."

"I will if you shave."


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