Entry 8: Living In Hell

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Entry 8: Living In Hell

Waking up to the sounds of water dripping was not what she expected. Her body hurt, and she felt lighter but heavy all at once as though she was being weighted with something. Hinata blinked away the black dots in her vision and looked around, there wasn't much to see anyways, the room was as black as when her eyes were closed. She let out a sigh.

She would've preferred dying than being locked up in Sasuke's village. She tried activating her byakugan but felt a burning sensation in the back of her eyes. He locked up her ocular power, the thing that made her a Hyuga. Not only that, but she had little to no chakra left in her body.

It was odd since she didn't have any shackles on her. Then it became obvious. The cell she was in was designed to suck chakra of anyone locked inside. She gave up trying to summon her chakra, instead, she observed her surroundings to see if there was a way for her to escape.

"Don't bother."

His voice bounced off the walls, ringing in her ears as a small sliver of light was seen as a door opened. She watched him walk inside, pulling a chair to sit in front of her. The smirk on his face made her nauseous. Arrogance, amusement and excitement displayed in his eyes. It made her sick.

"Just kill me like you do the others." She spat at him, her hair covering her face.

"Where's the fun in that, princess?" Sasuke smiled as if he just heard the funniest joke in his life. He stood up and squatted in front of her, lifting her chin up and studying her.

She removed her face and glared at him, trying to bite his outstretched hand only to have him grip her hair and pull. She yelled and whimpered as he pulled her hair, making her look up at him. His eyes scared her, his rinnegan glowing purple, the only colour in the dark room.

Tears threatened to fall as he bared his teeth at her and pulled harder.

"Don't fucking try me. I'll make your death as painful as I can before I send your body to your precious Hyuga clan." He let her go and stood up.

He didn't look back at her when he left. The door closed again, shrouding her in darkness. The room was cold, and she only realized once she noticed that she didn't have her sweater. A pair of shorts and a shirt was all that protected her from the cold.

Hinata pulled her knees to her chest and rested her forehead on her forearms, trying to heat herself up. She bit her lips, the throbbing pain in her scalp from the pulling made her angry. Why didn't she do anything? Why couldn't she do anything?

Her weapons were confiscated, all she had were the chakra holding earrings but even those were being drained of their powers. She needed to get out of here but there was no way to do that.

If Sasuke was in charge of her torture, she was sure that she would die by tomorrow morning the latest. She just hoped that he would give the task to someone else. Someone she could kill and escape from. 


Tears fell as she ran, her legs hurting, limping. Her body was tired, she was weak. Then she was back where she began, standing in front of Sasuke as though she never moved. True to her horror, he personally saw to her torture.

He sat in front of her, his legs crossed and his eyes closed. "I found you again." He opened his eyes and smiled, standing up and holding her by her hair.

Every time he was with her, he would pull her hair, making her scalp throb in pain and occasionally bleed. He enjoyed doing it. Sasuke turned her around and pushed her down to the ground, watching as she panted in both exhaustion and pain. He caressed her cheek before cutting it with his kunai.

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