Entry 10: Questions

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Entry 10: Questions

"You're awake."

Her body hurt immensely, she felt extremely sore and tired. Opening her eyes to the semi dark room, only a lamp providing some light, her eyes became used to it quickly. Then she made eye contact with him.

He was leaning against the wall, his trench coat on the armchair as well as his sword. In that moment he looked almost ethereal, the light illuminating a few of his features including his chiseled jaw. His black hair framed his face and covered his eye.

Purple and black met lilac.

Hinata broke eye contact first, looking down at her bandaged arms and legs. Gone were her dirty clothes, instead, she had on thin pyjamas from the hospital. Memories flooded back in her head, making her close her eyes in pain.

That light...it was so beautiful and welcoming. She was ready to go and then it was gone. She was back in this place again. Hinata didn't bother questioning the Uchiha either, his words still imprinted on her mind.

She was his to break. His to destroy. His to kill.

No one, not even the Shinigami himself could take what's Sasuke's away from him. In a way, his obsession and possessiveness over her was much like his fear of losing something he was starting to care for even if he denied every ounce of it.

He would never care for his enemy.

She wanted to turn over and ignore him, pretend that he wasn't there but her body wouldn't allow her. Too much pain restricted her very movements.

"Sadly." She responded, looking at him again.

Sasuke pushed himself off the wall and walked over to her bed. He ignored the way she flinched, reaching behind her to fix her pillow.

That was out of character.

But it was the least he could do after allowing that to happen to her. Karin had given him an ear full about it, he didn't want to feel any sort of obligation to take care of the Hyuga. What more could he do anyway? She was his. No one was allowed to touch her except for him.

If anyone were to hear him say those words, they would immediately be on guard. It was odd for him to call anything his, yet alone a prisoner. Yes, she belonged to him in his twisted mind. If the rabbit wandered into the lion's cage, it was up to the lion whether to kill it or let it go. The lion, however, decided to play with its food until it got tired of it.

Right now? Sasuke wasn't tired, he was just getting started. Though, recent events made him a little reluctant to do anything to the Hyuga. Would it push her to take her own life? Or would she die in the process?

Then his fingers found her hair, pulling it slightly to see her reaction. A smirk found it's way onto his face. Just a little whimper, and those eyes staring back it him almost begging for him to let go. There was something else...something that frightened him.

She was enjoying this.

Although she was in pain, something in her was glad that he was the one doing this again. He was the one punishing her. Her whimper got louder, tears prickling the corner of her eyes.

He wanted to scare her, make her realize that her life was in his hands. That she will not die until he says she can. One hand pulling her hair, the other wrapped around her throat as he leaned closer to her, his rinnegan glowing.

"What changed?" His nails dug into her skin, drawing some blood.

Scare her, that's all he wanted. Remind her that he was a demon and she was his subject. He didn't let her respond, his teeth biting into the crescents he made on her fragile skin. Her head was turned, her body frozen as his teeth punctured her skin. It made her want to scream, the pain that erupted from the wound was unimaginable but she couldn't.

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