Entry 21: Awakening

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Entry 21: Awakening

She came back down after an hour or two. She completely forgot that the couple was sitting in her living room. Shion sighed and ignored them as she went into the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea.

"About the blockers, what is that about?" Hinata followed her inside the small space and rested her hand on the table. "You said that no matter what—"

"Your children would be in danger, yes, I know. I was going to get to that once I was finished making my tea." She dropped two cubes of sugar into the mug. "Would you like some?"

"Yes, please and thank you." Hinata left her alone.

Shion returned to the living room and handed Hinata a mug. She resumed her place in the armchair that looked to almost swallow her. She stirred her drink and took a sip, she looked at them over the edge of the mug, trying to figure out a way to explain to them what she was about to do and why she was doing it.

"First things first," she started, "the tablets you read must have overreacted in their description of the Byakūgan Princess. The 'upgrade' you think you're getting, is nothing more than unlocking an ability she's had since she was a child." She stared at Sasuke straight in the eye, "the only truth to their story was that she could die."

"Why would my father bother with blocking that right from me if it was all an exaggeration?" She looked to Sasuke for guidance, hoping that he would reveal something else he'd read.

"They left it out of the text, or perhaps it was too faded to be read. I told you that any child that you carry would be in danger, I was not lying. Blocking your inheritance from the reincarnation was thought to give you the chance to build a family again, except, that's not the case." Shion put her mug down, "you shouldn't have children since Kaguya can easily use them to enter this world again. How could anyone know that? We don't. It was just something passed down from generations to never allow the Byakūgan Princess to bear a child."

"You're saying..."

"Your father was trying to give you a chance to choose whether or not you had kids. He didn't know it was useless. Personally, you can try if you'd like but no one really knows if what the previous generations said was simply a hoax. I'm willing enough to give you your abilities, but are you willing to put the ninja world in danger because you want to give the Uchiha an offspring?"

"The death portion of the text wasn't about a ritual for her, was it?"

"You're getting it now, Uchiha. No, the ritual is completely safe, it's the child bearing that brings her death. Again, it might be a hoax to scare the previous versions of the Byakūgan Princess into submission and stop an even more powerful line of Hyuga from being birthed. The clan already deals with too much pride—"

"If they could become more powerful, they would have done so already." Hinata mumbled. "If it made them the strongest clan, they would turn me into nothing but a breeder." She shivered.

Had she really thought about having children? No, but hearing that if she had any that she could die, or even worse, her children would be hunted down for being more powerful than previous Hyuga made a shiver run through her body.

"Does it make a difference whether or not you release the restraints?" Sasuke asked before she could.

They were both curious about it. If she died anyway, then there was no point in having her potential unlocked. They never spoke about children, they haven't even been intimate yet, but now that they knew that she could die from it, they thought about it a lot more.

"For her? Probably. There's no way of determining if it's needed. It depends on if she wants to go ahead and do this. Think about it, you might survive childbirth and be a mother. Again, no one knows if you'd actually die. Are you willing to sacrifice your life for this?"

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