Entry 14: "Home"

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Entry 14: "Home"

The beeping of the heart monitor was the only sound that filled the room, that and the oxygen tube that was placed inside her mouth that helped her breathe while she remained unconscious. Her face was cleaned but covered with scars, it was painful to see the once blemish free face of Hinata Hyuga being scarred. It ruined her soft features, but a few more weeks of caring and they would be gone.

Laying beside her was her ex 'girlfriend'. Pink hair was everywhere as she slept. The door opened as a nurse walked in with new IV bags and breakfast for Sakura.

The sudden commotion woke her up. Looking around, Sakura waved the bowing nurse who apologized over and over again for waking her, dismissing her. She took a look at the still unconscious Hinata and frowned.

It's been two weeks since she was last seen awake and there was no sign of her waking up any time soon. Everyone occasionally checked on her but Sakura was the only one to remain at her side.

It was neither guilt or fear that kept her there.

Standing up and stretching, Sakura walked into the bathroom to freshen up. Gaara was supposed to visit to see how Hinata was doing but he never gave a time. She rather be ready than to look improper in front of the Kazekage.

Speaking of the devil, she heard a knock and then the door opening once again. Fixing her hair quickly, Sakura walked out of the bathroom and bowed, greeting Gaara who nodded at her.

"How is she?"

"Nothing changed, she's still the same and hasn't woken up."

"How long can she be in this state without it hindering her?

"I can't say, but if she stays like this for more than a month or two...I don't think she'll be the same again."

There was silence.

"What do you think happened to her?" Gaara turned to Sakura, his face was void of emotions but his vocal tone was filled with worry and curiosity.

"She was definitely tortured...I doubt Sasuke went easy on her."

"I should have let you guys go when you asked the first time...maybe she wouldn't be like this. Or maybe I shouldn't have sent her on such a risky mission."

Shaking her head, Sakura turned to Gaara and placed her hand on his shoulder. "None of us saw this coming, maybe she did but we can't blame ourselves. We simply...underestimated Sasuke."

"Did we really? Or did we overestimate Hinata's strength?"

"Maybe it's a bit of both, we would never know for sure." She sighed and massaged her temples, feeling a slight throbbing and an incoming headache.

"I'll leave her care up to you, take care Sakura." Gaara's lips twitched as if he was trying to smile before he excused himself.

Sitting at the edge of the bed, Sakura played with the sheets, deep in thought.


He was bored again. Which started to become a regular thing he needed to get used to now that his little play thing was gone. Part of him was angry at letting the Suna ninja free without injuring them a little more and the other regretted letting her go so easily.

Her eyes flashed in his mind, making him furrow his eyebrows in annoyance as he broke another pen.

"You really need to stop doing that. I get that Hinata is gone but please stop breaking everything, it's like you're dealing with a breakup." Yukine grumbled as he replaced the pen.

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