Entry 25: Danger

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Entry 25: Danger

They were travelling together again. It wasn't a vacation but rather an errand to speak to Sasuke's former sensei who hasn't stopped trying to kill him after years.

Hinata shuffled along silently beside Sasuke, sensing how on guard he was the further away from Konoha they got. In all reality, she should be just as cautious as he was but she couldn't find it in herself.

This would be the first time meeting Orochimaru — if they even found him at the one of many bases the man had set up in the Land of Fire — face to face. The last time she saw him was when the Fourth Shinobi War was over and he was helping with reviving fallen ninjas.

The man was...odd. He made her skin crawl which was ironic seeing as he was the embodiment of a snake. His skin was deathly pale and his dark hair made him look skinnier than he was. That was all she could remember of his appearance but it's been years, who's to say he didn't find another body to inhabit if he was still doing those sick experiments of his.

Sasuke had glanced back at her slightly, watching as she was distracted by whatever thoughts she was having. Taking Hinata along was a bargain, the chances of a Suna ninja recognizing her and reporting back to the Kazekage were slim, but not impossible. Those stakes would rise the moment they step into the Land of Wind in search of the other bases Orochimaru had.

"You can fall back if we do wander into Suna's territories, I don't want you being in the line of danger." Sasuke suggested.

"I'll be fine." She fixed her posture and raised her chin.

"You do know that if you're spotted with me, they won't be scared to go at war with Konoha."

That made her steps falter for just a moment.

"If it does comes down to a war, I will protect Konoha as payment." She looked at him and saw pride flash through his eyes for a moment, making her smile. "Don't worry about me, I'm the Byakūgan Princess, remember?"

"I know."

It was silent again until they came into a clearing where Sasuke performed some hand seals. She watched as the ground opened up to show a passageway. Sasuke walked in first, motioning her to follow.

Walking down the soil-packed walls, Hinata looked around curiously. "I'm shocked this place is still standing even after the war." Her fingers traced the patterns on the walls.

"It's reinforced with chakra, it takes a lot to damage this place. Even so, he would fix it again." Sasuke noted as he turned a corner, he stopped in his place and got on his knees. "I don't think it's needed to venture any deeper."


"There's no signs of anyone being here in the last decade."

"How do you know?" Hinata stared over his shoulder at what he was doing.

Sasuke's hand remained on the floor, "my chakra was also added to every base when I was with him. That's how we know when there is an intruder. Come, let's check the other bases."

"What if there's something important here?" Hinata followed him back the way they came.

"He never leaves things behind, he won't risk people finding his specimens."


They walked back into the open, the entrance of the underground hideout slowly blending back in to its surroundings.

Continuing with their travels, they had set up camp for the night under the foliage of a tree, completely hidden away from the main road or anyone taking to the treetops for travel.

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