Entry 5: Blending In

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Entry 5: Blending In

It was early in the morning when she was called to his office. What greeted her was a room filled with both her fellow ANBU acquaintances and the former members of team seven as well as her own past teammates.

Bowing quickly, her eyes were trained on the red headed Kage, Hinata waited for orders. She could sense the nervousness of everyone gathered except for Kakashi and Gaara who were avoiding any sort of eye contact with the surrounding ninjas.

"Hinata," Gaara looked at her in the eyes, "we called you here to assign to you an important mission." There was silence, as though he was collecting his thoughts and trying to find the words to say. "You will go undercover and kill Uchiha Sasuke."

There was a collective gasp, everyone turned to Gaara, questioning his words and commands. He held up his hand to silence everyone, closing his eyes.

"Why Hinata? What happens if she gets hurt?" Naruto stared at Kakashi, Gaara and finally the Hyuga in question.

"She's the only one who has no contact with Sasuke. He doesn't know what she looks like nor does he have any relationship or history with her. If I were to let you or Sakura do this mission, he'd automatically be on guard."

"So you're saying...Hinata is chosen because Sasuke doesn't know her? That's ridiculous!" Kiba spoke, Akamaru at his side nodding along.

"Yeah, there are countless other ninja who Sasuke has no history with. What about your other ANBU?" Sakura turned to Gaara.

"They do not know the layout or ins and outs of Konoha, we would like to waste as less time as possible."

"Then send one of the other Konoha ninjas in her place!" Naruto insisted.

Hinata watched quietly as everyone spoke for her and discussed plans as though she was not there. She had no issue with the mission, nor did she care about what her peers thought. If the Kazekage and the former Hokage chose her for the mission, then that was enough to motivate her.

"Naruto, if you haven't noticed, Hinata is the only one to make it as an ANBU in Suna. Although I'm sure there are other ninjas who are just as powerful or even above the power she has, she is the only one with the qualifications for this." Kakashi silenced them all.

It was true.

Hinata was the only ninja out of the former rookies of Konoha to be appointed to ANBU level in another village. The others had a chance but chose not to, they weren't prepared to lose their lives and burden those they loved.

She didn't care. The last person she cared for died protecting her, she worked hard to make him proud and now she felt at peace. Every mission was another day putting her life on the line. She didn't mind dying in the line of duty because she'd always meet him in the afterlife.

Living was a bonus. Before, she lived to be a good ninja and be happy with the one she loved. Once she realized that it was a childish reason, she changed. Now she lived because she simply could. Her goal to make her cousin proud was long accomplished.

At twenty seven years old, she was finally on a level that had everyone acknowledging her as more than a Hyuga. More than her father's daughter.

"When should I leave?"

Her voice made everyone silent. The argument turned interrogation quickly stopped as they all looked at her.

"As soon as possible. That can be later today or tomorrow, whichever is suitable for you." Gaara handed her a scroll, "and don't worry about the duration. I know Sasuke is a powerful enemy who likes mind games, I'm sure you'll complete this mission within twelve months."

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