Entry 4: Alone

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Entry 4: Alone

The screams that escaped the deep, dark pits of the jail cells stationed under the foundation of the Hokage tower was almost demonic. He sat down, watching as his victim who dared attack him was struck down over and over again. Their skin was streaked with cuts and bruises, blood flowing like the rivers in Kirigakure.

"Why are you here?" His voices was monotonous, unamused at the obviously broken ninja in front of him who refused to admit defeat.

"I'm not telling you anything, Uchiha scum." They spat at him and instantly regretted it once they saw his sharingan activated. They bowed their head, avoiding eye contact. "You won't get me so easily."

"I don't need to." Sasuke was in front of them, his fingers gripping their cheeks painfully as he forced them to look into his eyes.

Watching the body slump over, caught in a genjutsu, Sasuke turned around to leave. The screams followed him out until there was no sound as the heavy iron doors closed behind him.

Letting out a sigh of annoyance, he unbuttoned his trench coat, throwing it over his shoulder as he walked out of the Hokage tower towards the academy.

Children ran towards the window at the sight of the Hokage, some gasping in awe and others squealing at his handsome face. The girls clapped their hands excitedly as he walked into the building, observing every class.

It was extremely rare to see the Uchiha on school grounds, unless something was happening, he never showed up. Sasuke walked into the office where the overseer of the academy resided. He kicked the door shut behind him.


The blood red hair of the female Uzumaki stood out, drawing attention to herself. Her glasses were placed in her hair as she went through some papers. Her ears perked up at the sound of her name and she smiled.

"Sasuke, to what do I owe the pleasure?" She gestured for him to have a seat.

Years after the Great Shinobi War, Karin had settled in the village once Sasuke took over. Gone was her silly crush on the cold blooded Uchiha, instead, she settled with Suigetsu even if they fought one another almost daily.

Resuming her life as a medic ninja, Sasuke offered her a better alternative. Appointing her as the head of the academy, she was more than happy to be so close to children.

"Another one has gotten into our ranks. They worked as a teacher." He crossed his arms and closed his eyes.

"Not again...what should we do?"

"Do not hire any more teachers without my knowledge, send any and every resume to my office and I'll have a ninja look into that individual."

"I will." Karin nodded, putting her glasses back on to study the Uchiha. "How's leading a village feeling so far?"


"I see. Suigetsu is wondering when you're going to visit him."

"Tell him when he learns to shut up." Sasuke stood up, "I'll be waiting for those resumes, and give me a brief background of every teacher who works here."

"Will do."


Papers surrounded him on his bedroom floor, all filled with pictures and information about everyone who walked into the academy either as a teacher or volunteer. Finding nothing odd with the already appointed staff, Sasuke moved on to the pile of volunteers.

Putting aside the information sheets of anyone he found to be suspicious, he disposed of the innocent citizens' information. Setting them on his dresser, he made a mental note to ask one of his ANBU guards to look into a list of people.

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