Entry 24: Peaceful

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Entry 24: Peaceful

She twirled his hair between her fingers, watching as he slept. The sun was rising, and he should be heading to the office at this time but she couldn't find it in her to wake him up from his slumber. Hinata smiled to herself, moving closer to him to steal his warmth, she really liked laying in his arms.

"How long?" He muttered.

"Hm?" She watched as his eyes fluttered open. He looks good no matter the time of day, even when he wakes up.

"How long have you been awake?" He has no intention of getting up.

"Maybe two hours? Why?"

"Yukine should be at the office by now." He mumbled and closed his eyes again.

"Are you staying home today?" She rested her hand on his cheek, caressing it, unknowingly lulling him back to sleep.

"Just for a few more hours." His words were slurred, and barely audible.

"I'll make you breakfast." She tried getting up, but Sasuke strengthened his hold on her. She couldn't move an inch.

"Not yet." He opened one eye, "stop moving."

"You're going back to bed? You've been asleep for almost seven hours." She was as still as she could be.

"Someone kept me awake all night, shh." Sasuke grumbled, she was going to talk him into waking up instead of continuing her hypnotic touches. At this rate, they would be out of bed in five minutes.

"You couldn't keep your hands off me." She whispered, "you liked it."

"Go back to bed, Hinata."

"I'm not tired."

"I am."

"I'll be quiet." She held up her pinky, "I promise."

Sasuke didn't respond, his breathing had evened out and his body relaxed. As promised, Hinata remained quiet for a little while longer, resuming her playing in his hair.

"Your sharingan activates when you're aroused sometimes." She whispered, knowing that he wouldn't hear a word she was saying. "I wonder if it makes you remember everything."

Hinata kept talking to herself in a hushed voice until she couldn't keep her eyes open anymore. Drifting off to sleep, neither of them woke up until it was well into the afternoon.

Sasuke sat at the edge of the bed staring at nothing. He was completely dazed, not sure why he was feeling extremely laid back and lazy today. It was as if every part of his body and mind was completely relaxed. It was different from those times where he would be at the feet of his misery.

"Breakfast, I mean lunch, is ready." Hinata peeked her head through the opened door. She gave him a smile, "for someone who's in charge of this village, you're very nonchalant about missing work today." She walked into the room and sat behind him.

Throwing her arms over his shoulder and kissing the back of his ear, she rocked him side to side, "come on, you need to eat."

Sasuke covered her arms with his hand, rubbing it gently, "what's for lunch?"

"A tomato omelette with a side of sliced tomatoes, tomato juice, and a sandwich with tomatoes as the bread." She joked.

"That sounds nice." He smirked once he heard her scoff. "What's actually for lunch?"

"The tomato omelette was true. There's also a cup of peppermint tea, buttered toast, and just for you, a whole tomato instead of my apple." She stood up and held out her hand, "are you coming?"

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