Entry 16: Meetings

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Entry 16: Meetings

The black fabric blew in the wind as it whipped past him, he was moving in speeds that couldn't be seen by the normal eye. His eyes were squinted partially to stop sand from hindering his vision. This all reminded him of how much he hated travelling in Suna. Sasuke did a quick hand seal and concealed his identity as he sneaked past the guards who appeared to be slacking off anyways.

Why was he in Suna? He needed to get his hands on Hinata to tell her about his discovery, albeit a little impatiently but he wasn't going to let the opportunity pass. Besides, it's been almost five months since he's seen her and part of him, although it was ignored, sort of missed her. Or the weakened state of her at least.

Sasuke hid away in an alley once he noticed the incoming ninja who paid him no mind as they walked by, not like they could sense him. He faded into the shadows caused by the setting sun as he made his way to the place he sensed Hinata.

It was a small apartment towards the outskirts of the village, which made him mentally groan once he realized he didn't need to pass through the village to get to her. Nonetheless, he walked up the stairs of the fire escape to the top floor where the Hyuga woman resided.

He came into view of her miniature apartment, which was a moderate size for at least two people to live in but Sasuke brushed it off.

She moved around the apartment with ease, obviously making something to eat while deep in thought. He had to pause though, when he saw her create a clone and transform it to look like him. He couldn't help but observe her as she talked to herself, making her clone try whatever she was cooking.

Is this what she imagined every time he was nearby?

He couldn't help but cross his arms and stare on in fascination.Who can blame him? In his twenty eight years of living, Sasuke never had a woman pique his interest, especially one he remembered to be infatuated with his blond teammate. If he hadn't known, he would have thought her to be one of his many delusional fangirls.

Though, here Hyuga Hinata was playing out her fantasies with a carbon copy of him. She laughed to herself, and then frowned once she realized that it wasn't real. Releasing the jūtsu, she sighed and leaned against the counter.

Slipping through her window, his rested his sword against the wall and took of his cloak. "What are you making?"

His voice nearly startled her. Hinata rested her hand on her chest and closed her eyes to calm her racing heart. She avoided his gaze and tended to the pot of food.

"You're ignoring me." He walked into the kitchen as if he was a welcomed guest.

"You shouldn't be here." She turned the stove off and portioned her food, not offering him any.

"But you want me to be."

He was met with silence. When she walked back in front of him, trying to get to the fridge, he pulled her by her wrists so that she could face him. Brushing her hair out of her face, noting that it was much longer than when he last saw her, he leaned closer to her.

Hinata wanted to push him away, but her stomach was doing flips as he held her in her place. She brought her hands up to rest on his chest, contemplating whether or not she should stop him. When he was just a breath away, she couldn't help but close her eyes in anticipation.

"We need to talk." He let her go.

She cleared her throat and turned away, hiding a frown. "Would you like something to eat?"


They sat across each other in silence. She played around with her food while he sipped his coffee and waited for her to make eye contact with him.

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