Entry 22: New Look

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Entry 22: New Look

They walked to the big looming gates of Konoha, their faces hidden as they surveyed the area before wandering past the walls. The familiar symbol of Suna lay on their foreheads, glinting in the sunlight.

Sticking to the shadows, they made their way to the Hokage tower to once again ask Sasuke about Hinata's whereabouts.

The Hyuga woman, an ex-ANBU captain, had been declared a missing ninja as well as a traitor for just under a year. No one has seen her and the suspicion has once again fell onto the Uchiha leader who they believe is the protector of Hinata.

They barged into the Hokage's office, not shocked to find Sasuke already awaiting their arrival with his katana in hand. His eyes were narrowed and he was clearly annoyed at the intruders.

"I told you that she was not here."

"We do not believe you. We have permission from the Daimyō to search this place, if we do not find her then we will stop bothering you." The head ninja spoke.

"You went to the Daimyō to override my demand? He has no ruling in Konoha, and I hope you know that if any harm is to come to my civilians, I will raise war with Suna." Sasuke activated his sharingan.

He knew they would come. Had he not known, he would have asked for Hinata to return the week prior. It has been a while since he left her in Kumo with Shion, and to make sure that she was truly okay, he had an ANBU escort Yukine to their location.

The Suna ninjas nodded and bowed. They quickly disappeared to search the village for any traces of Hinata, completely ignoring the giant eagle in the sky watching their every move.

Sasuke shut his eyes and put away his sword. He wasn't worried since he knew Hinata didn't have any belongings in the village anyway besides the clothes she came with which were long since burnt.

Grabbing the cup of coffee on his desk, he took a sip and leaned against the wooden furniture. His arms remained crossed as he calmed himself down.

They better get out of his village in the next few hours or their bodies would be sent back in coffins.


Hinata groaned as she read another scroll. Shion sat across from her casually drinking tea as though the young Hyuga woman wasn't struggling in front of her.

"Can I go outside with Yukine?" She pouted slightly.

"Not until you finish what you're doing."

"I've been reading these things since I was a child." Hinata kept opening and closing the scroll in displeasure and boredom. She put it down on the table and sighed.

"Is that how the Hyuga clan raised you? You act like a child."

Hinata grumbled, she picked up the scroll again and continued her reading. That was all she was doing since she got there, reading about the history of her clan as though she was once again five years old.

She was looking forward to see if there was really a difference between her old self and the new one only to be disappointed when she was told to study first.

"If you're so impatient, we can get straight to your training sessions." Shion sighed and put her mug down. "Get up and follow me." She didn't wait to see if Hinata was following, she entered the backyard and stood a few feet away from the other pale eyed woman.

Hinata stood there awkwardly, waiting for instructions but never getting any. Just as she was about to ask Shion a question, she was forced to go on the defensive.

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