Entry 11: Cravings

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Entry 11: Cravings

He sat behind his desk as he usually did, but he had something to look forward to. Today was the start of a whole new activity for him and his little prisoner. He couldn't stop the small smirk that formed on his face.

Staring at the clock, the time seemed to move slower than it should be. He groaned and just stood up instead, he motioned Yukine to sit behind the desk as he left. He ignored the questioning look from the young boy.

She should be waiting where he asked her to be, he scheduled it prior to his rush to get there. Yukine should have told her anyways. The sounds of his shoes hitting the tiles filled the hallway, he stopped in front of a door and took a deep breath.

Was he nervous?

Clearing his throat, he opened the door to see her kneeling down with her back to him. Something about it made him chuckle.

"Impatient aren't you?" He mocked her, dropping his coat and grabbing one of the many knives that lay on a table, walking towards her.

"Might as well get ready." She smiled cockily, eyes following him as he squatted in front of her.

The tip of the blade was placed under her chin, making her look up. Her heartbeat could be heard in her ears as he pressed the sharp end against her skin.

"You're not tied up yet you remain obedient. What's wrong with you Hyuga?" He tilted his head, confused. He traced her jawline with the blade, applying a little bit of pressure to draw a little red line on her cheek. "I thought you would be fighting me to get out of here."

"There's no reason for me to fight when you can defeat me easily. Besides, there's nothing for me to run back to, Gaara probably thinks I'm dead." She stared at him, no fear in her eyes.

"Hn." He stood up, "is that why...you entertain yourself by thinking about me?" His smile was almost devilish, sinister. "You're enjoying this more than you should be." Sasuke stepped away and held his arms out, a cold laugh leaving his body, making goosebumps appear on Hinata's skin.

"Never in my life would I think that it was possible to reduce such a high class woman, one who carries herself with such pride and virtue to one that craved to be in my presence. Your father would be so disappointed to see how you kneel and wait for me, it's so...amusing." He played with the knife, opening his shirt slightly as sweat built up on his skin in excitement.


"Reading your thoughts isn't very hard, Hyuga. You really think I wouldn't search through your mind when you're unconscious? You don't deserve any ounce of freedom as long as you're in my village."

Hinata was frozen, the idea that Sasuke would always know her every thought, ones she suppressed and refused to entertain made her heart beat faster. He knew and he did nothing about it.

A righteous woman turned dependent by the constant mind illusions he played on her. He ruined her and part of her liked it. It was different than her other lovers, her past. A splash of colour in her black and white world. The culprit being none other than Sasuke Uchiha.

This wasn't love or care, this was something worse. Something dangerous. She didn't want him to love her, she wanted him to hate her. Hate her enough that he would continue hurting her and making her feel as though she was inferior.

"Your trust in me makes me happy." He frowned, "but there's a little bit of an issue...How can I punish you so that you're scared of me instead of craving for me?" His hand gripped her hair harder than normal, lifting her so that she was standing on her feet.

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