Chapter 13: Losers and the houseplant!

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It's been nearly one month since we came to this world. After so much time spent living and working here, all the weird things that happened to us aren't as weird anymore.

Hunting goblins became our main source of income. In fact, Lynn and I are just returning to Lyugo from another goblin quest. Both of us reached level 9 and our teamwork improved significantly so goblins aren't much of a threat anymore. Then again, we haven't really ventured into any of their caves yet which are apparently where they are most dangerous. Well, according to Goldegar anyway.

Until now we've mostly just tried to keep them off the streets so people can travel safely and we somewhat succeeded at that. Still, that's only a temporary solution since they keep coming back like nothing happened. With that being said, we're not much closer to finding a permanent solution.

"Sup' Ivan!" A young man walking towards Ivan and Lynn on the dirt road leading away from Lyugo waves. He has spiky blonde hair and wears light plate armor. He's accompanied by 2 more people, one of them being a somewhat tall fellow with dark bushy hair, carrying 2 hammers on his belt and the other a cute white-haired girl in rather revealing pink robes. She seems to be carrying only a dagger as a weapon.

"Hey there, Eita. You guys going out to hunt?" Asks Ivan.

"Yup." Eita nods. "I assume you two are done for the day?"

"Yup." Ivan nods.

"We've cleared most of the southwestern parts, so don't waste your time there." Says Lynn.

"Sure thing. Thanks Lynn!" Eita smiles. "We'll see you guys at the inn then."

Lynn and Ivan nod before passing the party who is making their way into the forest.

That was Eita and his party. They are some of the adventurers that decided to visit Lyugo to see if the rumours about the skyborn are true. Though unlike most, they believed us and decided to stick around to help our cause after emphatizing with the locals. They don't seem to be that strong but we appreciate any help we can get.

Lynn and Ivan reach the open gates of Lyugo where they are met by the head captain.

Goldegar raises his hands in a welcoming fashion "GREETINGS, OH GREAT SKYBORN. ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL HUNT I RECKON??"

"We took down 40 goblins today, so just enough for the quests we took I guess." Lynn crosses her arms, seeming unsatisfied.


"Right...Um we are kinda in a hurry now, Goldy. Let's have a drink sometime, huh?" Ivan pats Goldegars back a couple of times before heading into town, followed by Lynn.

"OF COURSE, WHEN DUTY ALLOWS ME, THAT IS." Goldegar shouts before turning around. "I CAN HARDLY REST WITH ALL THE GOBLINS WANDERING AROUND BUT STILL, ONE HAS TO MAKE MERRY SO HE CAN CARRY HIS DUTIES OUT EFFECTIVELY." Goldegar kept talking to himself while Ivan and Lynn walked away.

"Good day, Master Ivan." An elderly pedestrian greets him. "I hope you've had a nice hunt."

"Yeah." Ivan nods, passing the man.

"Oh, Lady Lynn! I've finally received a supply of fabric thanks to you keeping the roads clear of the green plague." Says a chubby elderly lady with curly gray hair who stood at the entrance of a building by the road.

"Please come by my shop soon so we can measure you and sew you a beautiful dress." The lady offers.

"I'll uh...think about it." Lynn smiles awkwardly as they walk past the dressmaker.

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