Ch 16: Losers and the Goblin Ear Offer!

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"I'm glad you finally found the time to do this quest with us, Gabriel." Lynn comments while walking up the stairs that lead into the adventurers guild.

"Of course." Gabriel nods. "Sorry for not being around much lately. Lan and Barny really needed my help rebuilding."

Even though Gabriel mastered his fireball spell and started going on quests with us, he still spent most of his time at Barnies place. My guess is that he's sticking around either because he can learn more spells or because of that Lan chick...maybe even both.

"Oh, it's fine!" Ivan shouts cheerfully, leading the party. "The important thing is that we can finally take this quest! 6000 perun for clearing some random goblin-infested cave? Yes please!" He says excitedly.

"Don't get ahead of yourself." Lynn interrupts. "Remember what Goldegar said about goblins in caves? They are much more dangerous there than in the open."

"If we can kill 50 goblins outside a cave without Gabriel, we can kill 50 goblins in a cave with Gabriel." Ivan uses his flawless logic, still very much cheerful.

Lynn stays silent.

They walk up the stairs leading into the part of the building that is the  guild. They make their way down the hallway and enter the main room of the guild.

There they find a few adventurers talking among themselves and checking out the questboard. Ever since goblins started being hunted properly, the roads leading into Lyugo have been safer for travellers so both the guild and whole town have been getting more and more visitors.

"Hi there Belka!" Ivan greets the chubby elderly lady working at the counter with an wide smile.

"Hello you three." Belka returns the smile. "Here to take a quest?"

"Yup." Ivan nods while walking towards the questboard and humming. "We actually had one in mind alrea-" As he turns to the questboard, he stops, noticing a big empty spot where the quest they wanted to take used to be.

"...What?!" Ivans eyes widen in shock.

"Oh boy." Gabriel sighs.

Ivan slowly starts turning to Belka with a painfully forced smile.

"B-B-Belka? Where is that high-paying quest about the goblin-infested cave from yesterday?" He utters.

"Oh? Well, a party came and took it right after you guys left." Belka answers.

Something in Ivan cracks as his eyes lose all spark and turn into lifeless orbs.

"Nooooooo!" Ivan dramatically drops to his knees "How could this be?! We reserved that quest, Belka!!" He complains.

Belka smiles awkwardly. "I told you that I can't promise the quest will stay there, Ivan."

"Oh God! Why didn't we take the quest yesterday?!" Ivan cries out.

"Because Gabriel wasn't around, dumbass." Lynn rests her hands on her hips, staring at Ivan who was still kneeling.

"We didn't know you guys wanted to take that quest." Lynn and Ivan get approached by three familiar faces.

"Oh, so you people took the quest?" Lynn raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah." The leader of the group steps out and nods with a friendly smile.

Ivan looks up at them, still on his knees.

Eita and his party? Of course! They are the only idiots that do quests at night!

"I'm really sorry, Ivan." Eita approaches the sulking man.

"If it makes you feel any better, we barely made it. I'm not sure if the pay was worth the risk." Eita smiles awkwardly. "Fighting goblins in a closed space really is tough."

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