Ch 19: Losers and the Fungus Cave!

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After spending hours on the open road, our heroes got more and more tired. The sun slowly disappeared behind the trees as the sky grew darker.

"According to the map, we get off the road here and go into the forest east." Says Lan, who was carefully inspecting the old map, point right of her.

Everyone looks into that direction, finding nothing but thick forest.

"And how long until we reach the cave?" Asks Lynn.

"Hmm.." Lan thinks. "Considering the time it took us to get here, we probably have another two to three hours of walking ahead."

Lynn nods. "I see."

Ivan looks up at the orange eveninng sky.

"Well..." He stretches. "This wasn't supposed to be an one day trip anyway. We should use the remaining sunlight to find a safe place and spend the night there."

"Agreed." Lynn nods before turning her gaze towards Lan.

"Does the map show any decent locations for a camp?" She asks.

Lan inspects the map.

"It actually  does." She smiles. "Apparently, there's a small river nearby. It's curvature forms a tiny peninsula, meaning if we stay in that location, we'd only have to guard one direction." Lan explains.

"Brilliant!" Gabriel praises her. "How'd you figure that out so quickly?"

"Well..." Lan chuckles awkwardly. "The map is filled with tips and info on the area we're travelling through. It's all written in my grandpas handwriting." She says before revealing the map to the others.

The map is covered in countles notes, arrows and small drawings. Lan then points at one of the notes saying "Peninsula good camp." with a poorly drawn tent next to it.

"Peninsula good camp." Ivan says casually.

"That's Barny for you." Gabriel adds.

"The point is that it's a great location." Says Lynn. "So let's get there before night comes."

"Right." The rest nods in agreement as all of them get off the dirt road and enter the thick forest with only a map as their guide.

Not long after they reach a clearing and in fact discovee a river flowing through the forest. They follow the water, soon arrivinvg at the location displayed on the map.

The river curved unusually in that spot, creating a peninsula that was covered in tall grass and a few trees.

"Perfect." Lynn rests her hands on her hips.

"Yup!" Lan cheerfully agrees. "Now, let's get a fire going so I can make us some dinner." She happily exclaims.

Gabriel drops his backpack on the ground. "I'll go gather some firewood." He says before heading into the woods.

"Please do." Lan nods.

Everyone seems satisfied with the location, except for Ivan. He was staring at the ground in front of him with a thoughtful expression.

"Huh?" Lynn turns to him. "What's the matter?"

Ivan sighs. "Nothing it's just...I don't know why I was expecting nice and tidy grass here.." He mumbles, still staring at the knee-high grass in front of him.

"What?" Lynn utters in confusion. "It's the wilderness, what did you expect?" She continues.

"You're right..." Ivan nods. "Still, that doesn't mean that it can't be fixed!" He shouts enthusiastically before drawing his broadswords.

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