Chapter 22: Losers and the Slick Escape!

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The rotting goblins were just centimeters away from digging their claws and teeth into Lan, who just trembled in fear. As every skyborn was too far away to make it on time, it all seems in vain.


"Chain lightning!!" Lan screams at the top of her lungs as she claps her hands together. A large deep blue magic circle manifests on the ground below her as wave of lightning starts spreading around her, hitting all the goblins in the area. Their small bodies jerk violently under the high voltage for several seconds before dropping to the ground, motionless.

There's a short silence in the cave as everyone turns their attention to Lan.

Lynn's jaw drops as she lands on the ground with a fancy spin. "Woah."

"I knew it!!" Ivan shouts, his expression filled with joy and excitement.

Gabriel just stares in shock. "Lan! You-"

"It had to be done!" Lan shouts, panting heavily.

"Well, this was unexpected."

As Arhagol's voice echoes through the room, the remaining goblins resume their attack. Within several seconds, another dozen of goblins surrounds Lan, mindlessly trampling over the bodies of their fallen comrades.

"I'm so sorry, grandpa." Lan thinks to herself before raising her hand yet again.

"Lightning pierce!" Lan shouts as a blast of lightnings shoots out of her hand, piercing through several goblins before losing power and disintegrating.

"Yeah! Go Lan!" Ivan cheers. He then senses several goblins approach him from behind. He quickly turns, slicing their arms off.

Lynn continues elegantly fending off any goblins that approach her, using precision over raw strenght to keep them at bay.

Gabriel recovers from the shock he just experienced because of Lan, returning into combat mode and continuing with his barrage of fireballs.

The whole party experiences a boost of confidence and energy as adrenaline rushes through their veins. Slowly but surely, the numbers of moving mushroom goblins begins to shrink.

"Hyagh!" Ivan cuts a goblins head off. "Just a few more waves of these and we're coming for you, mushroom!"

"Don't be ridiculous!" Lynn shouts. "We have to leave as soon as we get a chance!"

"Unfortenately, I cannot allow that."

The countless small mushrooms that are at the base of Arhagols body start to grow, revealing themselves as tentacles.

"Eeeh!?" Gabriel shouts.

"This is even worse than Planty!" Ivan comments.

"While you may be very powerful surface dwellers, I have powers that are beyond your comprehension." Arhagol says as his mushrooms tentacles grow even longer.

"I believe it is time to leave." Lynn suggests while fighting some goblins.

"Agreed. Let's bounce!" Says Ivan as he starts running somewhere.

"Ivan, where are you going??" Gabriel asks.

"This is the way out, trust me!" He replies, not stopping.

Without further questions, the others run after Ivan. They slay any goblin that stands in their way as they run into one of the exits.

"It's futile, you cannot escape." Arhagol voice sends a chill down their spine as his mushroom tentacles start following them into the cave maze.

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