Ch 20: Losers and the Fungus Cave 2!

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"You know...I thought this place would be filled with glowing mushrooms and all." Ivan comments while looking around the damp cave.

"Be patient, we just entered." Says Lynn. "I'm sure we'll find some mushrooms. deeper in the cave."

"Finding rare potion ingredients takes time. Not everyone has the patience, I guess." Lan smiles.

Ivan snorts, looking away "Whatever, this is still boring..."

"Oh? I'm so sorry this is not interesting to you." Says Lynn. "Would you like me to sing you a song your highness?" She adds, being very muchh sarcastic

"You know, it would cost you 0 perun to be such a pain." Ivan says annoyedly.

"Ditto." Lynn replies.

"Guys..." Gabriel suddenly speaks, drawing their attention. "I think you're being a bit too carefree. We're still in a dark cave. Hostile monsters could be lurking at every corner..." He says, looking around cautiously.

"That's just your inexperience talking." Ivan waves his hand dismissively. "Goblins usually leave behind a lot of waste on the ground. We would've noticed immediately if the cave was infested." He explains.

Gabriel looks down. "This...cave is just giving off a strange energy alright? I don't know how to explain it..."

"Don't tell me you're scared Gabriel." Ivan smirks.

"N-no I'm not!" Gabriel replies.

"Perfect, no need to worry then." Ivans smile widens as he happily marches further into the cave.

After silently observing them for a while, Lynn speaks up "I feel it too."

"Huh?" Ivan turns to Lynn.

"I agree with the fact that there are no traces hinting towards monsters being here but there is something off about this place." She argues, seeming very serious.

Ivan sighs. "Guys, it's just a cave. A very quiet and peaceful one at that, something I would love to see more of around Lyugo."

Lan chuckles nervously. "Perhaps we should just turn back for now..?"

Ivan sighs. "Look- you're scaring Lan."

"There's no need to turn back, I'm just saying Ivan should take this a bit more seriously." Lynn crosses her arms.

"Right, don't worry Lynn." Ivan nods half-heartedly.

Lynn sighs "Let's move on, then."

They continue moving deeper into the cave, discovering a few dead ends but nothing noteworthy. After a while of exploring, now far from the surface, they notice a faint source of blue light a distance away, illuminating the walls of the cave.

"Huh? Could it be?" Gabriel utters.

"One way to find out." Lynn comments as she moves closer to the light, still holding her burning torch.

And there, hidden behind a large rock, they find three small mushrooms which were glowing a pleasant ocean blue colour. The party observes the mushrooms in awe.

"Is this it?" Ivan asks.

Lan takes a step forward, kneeling in front of the fungi. After a short examination, Lan turns to the others.

"They certainly match grandpa's description of the glowing angel mushrooms..." She says before putting on brown leather gloves and taking out a small curved knife. One by one, she cleanly separates the mushrooms from the ground with the knife.

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