Heart-problems. Panic-attack. Kiss

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{}This kiss is something I can't resist. Your lips are undeniable. This kiss is something I can't risk. Your heart is unreliable{}

{5} I stomped out of P.E angrily; I can't believe that my Father told them not to let me play after I had my heart pains. I'm not going to stay in P.E sitting on the miserable bleachers when the others are having fun. I burst through the changing room and went to my locker, pulling my shirt over my head and tossed it in the locker. "Ugh!" I grunted loudly in frustration as I took my shorts off, tossing it in the locker.

I opened my backpack and put my clothes back on; walking toward my locker and picked the clothes I tossed in the locker and stuck them in my backpack. I strapped my backpack around my shoulder and walked out of the locker room.

"Hey my friend." I jumped slightly with a squeak when Ciara whispered in my ear from behind me. I turned around with my hand on my heart and a scowl on my face. "Sorry." She grinned from ear to ear as she linked our arms together. "So how was P.E?"

I groaned at the thought of the P.E, stupid teacher and rolled my eyes. "The stupid teacher won't let me play for what happened last year, can you believe it! I told him that I was going to tell my Father and do you know what he told me?"

"No but I can already imagine." She replied with a roll of an eye and a sigh. "I swear that your Father is a bit overprotective when it comes to you."

"Tell me about it and I'm the oldest one. Is it because I'm a girl?" I rolled my eyes as we turned around the corner, bumping into Sebastian and Skill. I froze in place as I stared into Sebastian's eyes, everything around me seems to freeze too and I knew that I was screwed. So much for breathing in and out, my inner annoying self appeared again.

"Watch where you're going next time!" Sebastian growled at me and shoved me out of the way as Skill and him walked by, not even glancing at us. How rude.

I turned around and walked toward them. "Hey! Hey! Stop!" I shoved the guys out of my way until I reached the douchebag of Sebastian Killers. "You! You own me an apology mister, you can't just shove me like that!" I crossed my arms and tapped my foot. "I'm waiting."

"Well, keep waiting." Sebastian turned around and I gasped, my eyes widening in shock as I stared at his retreating back.

I pinned my lips together and fisted my hands. "Becky, forget it, he's not worth it." Ciara said as she dragged me away.

"How can he be so rude? He doesn't even know me." I groaned as Ciara pulled me inside of our Music class. "Hey miss Arden." Karla rolled her eyes and mentioned us to take a seat. We walked in the middle of the class and sat next to each other.

"Well students." She clapped her hands  excitedly. "First of all, welcome back, the new ones that don't know who I am, my name is Karla Arden and I'm the music teacher, I don't mind if you call me Karla as long as it's with respect."

"The purpose of this class is to change things a bit, it's always lessons, study, homework's and it doesn't always have to be that." Karla clapped her hands together as she looked around. "Any questions before I start with my class?"

"Are we going to stay in our respective groups?" Some random chick asked timidly. "Good question, I think I'm going to make new groups."

"It's not fair! We already have our groups formed, why not put them together?" I banged my fist on the table as I stood up. Karla raised an eyebrow at me and crossed her arms. "I mean it." I gritted out angrily.

"Then show them how we do it here." After showing the newbies how we do it here, Karla let us stay in our respective groups.


The Heart Wants What It Wants *Completed* (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now