Beautiful Memories: Finale

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"Dance, dance princess, the one with the barefoot, ruffle now your soul that comes your beloved. Dance dance princess, in your enchanted forest and sing to the desire for love, a love dream. And this song has ended." Emilia Attias

{64} I wiped my tears away as I stared at the imagines in front of me. This is so sad. "Why are you seeing this? It's not healthy." My grandfather appeared from behind me and came to stand next to me. "Why do you have to torture yourself like this?" He wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me closer.

"I want to be alone." I removed his hands and walked away from him, the white light sucking in my body and I appeared in the delivery room. "When you feel the need to push you'll push okay?" I nodded my head and turned to look at Sebastian who gave me his hand. "Okay? Ready! Push!" I leaned my chin on my chest and gripped Sebastian's hand, a few bones breaking as I pushed as hard as I could. "Good! Now another push right after this one."

I nodded my head again and squeezed my eyes shot as I leaned my chin on my chest, my hand twisting Sebastian's hand as I grunted hard and pushed with all my might. "Good! Now relax, take a good amount of air and be ready for the next one."

I inhaled deeply and held my breath as I leaned my chin on my chest, my hand squeezing the sheets and the other one in Sebastian's hand as I pushed when I felt the need to. "Great! I can see her already."

"Can you see her?" I asked Sebastian as I caught up my breath and breathed in and out calmly. Sebastian took a peek and turned to look at me with a grin on his face, nodding his head as he leaned down to kiss my sweaty forehead.

"Yes, I can see her. She has your hair color." He brushed my hair back lovely and pecked my lips. "I hope she has your eyes." I cringed while breathing out pantingly and held Sebastian's hand once again as I felt the need to push.

I shot my eyes close and twisted both hands as the pain from my stomach was gone and was now between my legs. "It hurts." I removed my hand from the sheets and held on Sebastian's arm.

"Come on, push!" Philip shouted at me as he peeked at me for a few moments before going back between my legs. "What do you think I'm doing Philip?! Ay!" I asked sarcastically but ended up crying out in pain as the need to push intensified.

"Do you need help?" The nurse asked as she came to stand next to me and I snatched her wrist into a tight grip. "Ouch, ouch. I think I might regret the decision of asking." The nurse winced in pain but I was too focused on my pain to worry about hers.

"Yes! Her head is almost out, come on!" Head? All this time I've been pushing just the head? God help me. "Yes! Stronger and harder." My vagina was itching and burning, the pressure between my legs intensified and as much as I tried to stay calm I couldn't.

"It's burning!" I arched my back and squeezed my teeth together as I tightened my hands around Sebastian's arm. "Oh my God, I can't. It hurts too much."

"Come on, maybe with a strong push she'll be out completely but I need a big and strong one. Can you do that for me?" I nodded my head at him and shook their hands off, my upper body hovering over as I hooked my arms underneath my thighs as pushed my thighs forward to give me more space. "Good! Now push!"

I took a good amount of air and gave a strong push, my vagina stretching slowly as the head came out and I leaned back down. "No, give me another one again and she'll be out completely."

I snatched Sebastian's hand and pushed my upper body up with a strong push, my hand clutching at the sheets as I pushed with all my might, feeling a relief soon after that and a full blown cry from my baby girl.

I licked my lips as I breathed out heavily, my chest moving up and down as I leaned my head to the side to see the nurse giving Philip some towels to clean her up real quick before placing her between my breasts.

The Heart Wants What It Wants *Completed* (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now