Nervous Breakdown And Denial

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{}Don't break me down. I've been traveling too long. I've been trying too hard.{}

{41} I removed the hood from my head and knocked on the door, waiting for her to answer the door. "Hello dear." A smirk appeared on my face when she opened the door and bowed at her with a grin on my face. "Hello Luna." I sneaked past her as I took my hood off, slipping it off my arms. "You'll like what I have to tell you." I put the hood on the sofa and ran my arms down it as I leaned on it, my feet tapping the wooded floor.

"What information do you have for me? Is it my son?" She pulled her cup closer and leaned the warm water down to make some tea. "Did he finish his revenge on the pack that put a curse on our family?" She gritted out distastefully and I pulled myself away from the sofa.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you Luna but your lovely son happened to be mated to the girl whose family put a curse on yours." The cup of tea that she was guiding toward her mouth felt on the ground, the hot tea splashing out as the cup broke into tiny pieces.

"What?!" She shrieked loudly in rage, her fingers twisting as she curled them up into a fist. "He was supposed to kill them! That family is the cause of all our problems!" She yelled angrily and started to trash around, scaring even myself.

"I want you to separate them at all cost! I don't care what you have to do but I don't want them together EVER!" I cringed away with a jump at her outburst and nodded my head at her, scared of her. "Yes Luna." I bowed my head at her and grabbed my hood, putting it on and covered my face. "Whatever you say."

"I think I need to make a visit myself, seeing that none of you can do anything right!" She stalked toward her bedroom and slammed the door close hard, the paintings on the wall falling down with a loud thud. I knitted my eyebrows together with my hands on my ears and walked toward the front door. I walked out of the house and looked around before I dashed through the woods to reach my destination.

Meanwhile at the beach....

The sounds of crashing waves reached my ears and I jolted awake, looking down at my body. I was dressed in a beach wear and I had my bikini underneath. What the hell? I leaned up in the bed and scurried toward the end of the beach bed, putting my feet on the white sand as I stood up.

I looked around for Sebastian but he was nowhere to be found. What the hell happened? The sun blinded my vision and I put a hand in front of my face, my eyes catching Sebastian walking out of the water shirtless.

He jogged out of the water and stopped in front of me. "Morning." He grinned at me ignoring my freak out state and leaned forward to peck my lips. "I got fruits you want some?"

"Are you kidding me? What are we doing at the beach?" He winked at me and guided me toward a table with all kinds of fruits. "What is all this?" He turned serious and my face was left completely perplexed what was going on?

"I know I haven't been the best boyfriend and I wanted to do something for you, I'm not romantic and you know that but I've been a jerk to you and you deserve better." I pouted my trembling lips as my eyes filled with tears, omg I'm such a crier. 

I pulled him into a hug with an aw as I sniffed. "Thank you, damn right. You've been a jerk." I pulled away from him but let my arms around his neck. I smiled big with a squeal as I turned to the table, licking my lips as I stared at the juicy fruits. He pulled the chair for me and let me sat down, pulling the chair against the table.

 I waited for him to sit in front of me and grabbed my fork, picking the fruits I wanted and drank some orange juice. "This is delicious." I closed my eyes with a hum as I ate the delicious goods. "What?" I asked him a bit too rude and blushed when I realized that I was talking with food in my mouth and gulped it down.

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