Way Too Early

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{59} I woke up in a dark place and blinked my eyes confused as I stood up, my eyes looking around. "Hello? There's someone out here?" I put my hands in front of my face as a light blinded my vision and I felt my body being sucked in.

What the hell? Where am I? "Dad! You can't catch me." A little girl said as she stuck her tongue out at her father and broke into a run. I followed her with my eyes and couldn't help but noticed that the little girl looked exactly like me when I was little.

"Look who's here." I jumped at the voice and turned around to look at my father standing there, he looked different, probably a couple of ages younger. "I thought that when I died they would send me to a peaceful garden or something so I could relax but no, I got stuck with my four nightmares."

I smiled at him and shook my head while he sighed. "Why am I here? Oh my God, am I dead?" I asked him after realizing the possibility. He nodded his head at me with a sad smile and confirmed my suspicious. "What why? I can't die."

"I'm sorry sweetie, but we can't do anything about it." My father gave me a sad look and I brought my hand in front of my eyes as I burst into tears. "But I'm sure someone can. We just have to hope it works."

"Daddy who's this lady?" Oh my God, my brothers where so ugly looking little boys. "You're like an old version of my sister ew, she's annoying." I stuck my tongue at them and earned a look from my father.

"I'm not annoying!" Little me groaned out with a stuck of a tongue as she crossed her little arms together to glare at her three brothers. "You guys are ew." You go gir! Show 'em. "Dad is it true that I'm not annoying?'

"Yes, sweetheart. Don't listen to them, go play you four" My dad leaned down to kiss her forehead and then they were off, running after each other. "Come on, let's enjoy these last few moments together."

I smiled at him and leaned toward him, his arm wrapped around me as we walked toward my brothers. Little me stomped her foot down and grabbed a hand full of dirt, tossing it at Alexander. "Oh my God, did she seriously just do that?"

I watched as Anderson and Adrian laughed at Alexander, their backs hunched over as they clutched at their stomachs. I shook my head at them and watched as little me and Alexander grabbed a hand full of dirt and tossed it at them, taking off running together.

"I love seeing you two fight, you'll always end up teaming against your bothers." My father said with a smile as we sat on a bench, watching as they happily ran after one another. I gave him a smile of my own as I watched how happily they were, no preoccupations or worries.

"I want to stay here." I turned to look at my father who frowned down at me and gave me a confused look.


"I don't know, it's happier here. I guess." I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at my lap, my fingers playing with each other. My face slowly tilted up as my father put a hand underneath my chin to make me look at him.

"This isn't real. What you're seeing here is my happy place you could say, but I know it's not real. It's sad sometimes because I know that you guys are big already and with a family of your own. But it's something right? It's better than nothing."

"I guess you're right." I smiled at him and pulled him into a hug, my head resting on his shoulder. "I'm going to miss you." I tightened my hold on him not wanting to let go. He patted my head softly as he slowly smoothed down my hair.

"I'm going to miss you too." A white light sucked me in at that and everything turned black. The world around me was dark, my eyes were clued but my ears were sharp. I could hear cries and people talking but why?

What was happening? I tried to open my eyes but nothing. I tried to move but my body was limp. I wanted to scream and shout but I had no voice. What is this? I tried again and this time the colors slowly started to make their way into my vision, they were blurred for a few seconds but after blinking multiple times I could see what was happening around me.

"What is going on here? You're all crying like someone just died." I looked at them with wrinkled forehead in confusion and got even weird out when they laughed out, tears in their eyes. "Oh-kay this is getting weird now."


After I woke up from the 'death' as they told me, which still seem surreal to me. Everything went back to normal. The pack made sure that there were no survivals from the enemy's pack and the ones we rescued had to choose between joining the pack or become a rogue which mostly choose to join the pack. Some went to Dust Killer and some went to our pack the dark night fall.

We were training some of them because they were caged for so long that they don't have the ability to fight like they used to. Some even lost practice. "I'm glad your father and Sebastian are training the new ones, we get to spend more time together."

"Yeah, I'm glad." Rebekah turned to look at me with a short smile not reaching her eyes and my mother instincts kicked in immediately. I knew something was wrong with her. My mother intuitions never lie to me.

"Honey what's wrong?" I slid to the edge of my chair and took her hands in mine, giving her a supporting squeeze as I stared at her. She looked at me with glossy golden eyes and busted into tears.

"The closer I am to giving birth the more nervous I feel. I don't want to die, I don't want my babies to die. I have this dilemma inside of my head what if I have to choose between my life and theirs? I know what my answer would be but my thoughts landed to Sebastian, I know that he won't be able to handle my death and it scares me."

I pulled away from her and cupped her face, my thumbs wiping away her tears. "Don't think about the what if's. Think about how you'll have your babies in your arms. You'll go through this like I did because you're strong and a fighter. You'll win this war."

I brought her in for a hug and ran my hands up and down her back comfortingly. "What's going on?" Sebastian appeared with Max looking worried and I pulled away from her as she wiped her tears away.

"It's just the hormones, she's a bit emotional." I helped her wipe her tears away and patted her shoulder comfortingly with a squeeze, my hand moving up and down her arm. "Are you feeling better sweetie."

She nodded her head with a sniff and fixed her running mascara. "I'm feeling better now." She looked up at Sebastian with a short smile and stood up with his help. "I'm tired, are you done?" Sebastian nodded his head and moved her hair away from her face, kissing her forehead.

"Yes, we're done for today. You want to go home?" He looked down at her and caressed her face with his thumb, the amount of love in his eyes was just priceless. She nodded her head and closed her eyes briefly when he kissed her lips.

"Bye mom, take care." She pulled away from Sebastian to give me a tight hug. "Thank you." She muttered into my ear before pulling away and squeezing my hand before standing next to Sebastian. "I love you dad." Max pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead.

"I love you too sweetheart." Max gave her a gentle smile and pulled away from her, his hands on her temple. "Take care." She nodded her head and stepped away from Max, Sebastian wrap his arm around her waist.

Max pulled me closer as we watched as Sebastian and Rebekah made there away toward the door and out of the house. "You can lie to Sebastian but not me, it was more than just the hormones." I looked up to give Max a sad smile and leaned my head on his chest with a deep sigh.

"It's very complicated Max, she's just figuring things out."


The moment we stepped inside of the house Sebastian turned to look at me. "I know something is wrong so tell me what is it?" I sighed deeply and ran circles across my stomach.

"I'm really tired, can we talk about this later?" I didn't wait for his reply and just headed toward the stairs, walking up the steps. I put my hand on the newel post and slid my hand on the railing, my hand moving down my stomach as I doubled over, crying out in pain.

"What?" Sebastian hurried toward me and wrapped his arm around my back to straight me up as I blew air out. I cringed in pain and doubled over again, my eyes widened as I slowly turned my head to look up at Sebastian.

"My water just broke."

The Heart Wants What It Wants *Completed* (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now