Written On The Stars

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"Keep holding on."

{60} The moment we came to the hospital I was hooked to the monitor to be monitored, nurses coming in and out to check up on me until Philip could check me up himself and tell them what was going to happen next. The pain I was feeling was unbearable, I couldn't even stay still for a minute without doubling over in pain.

"How are you feeling? Sorry for the wait I had an emergency." Philip came in and flipped through some annotations. "The nurses told me they stopped the fluids, I'll give you some antibiotics to protect the babies from getting an infections."

"We'll have to see how you're hanging before we decide what to do. Either bed rest or you'll have to stay here until you're due or when the babies  organs have developed enough to get them out." Philip put the board underneath his arm with a sigh.

"I get it, I've been too stressed lately. I'm putting this on myself. I should have taken better care of myself." I told Philip with honesty and turned to give Sebastian who gave my hand a squeeze.

"Yes, so much better. If I let you go home you have to assure me that you're going to take care of yourself and stay in bed as long as possible." Philip told me strictly with a serious look on his face and crossed his arms. "Do we have a deal?"

"Yes, we have a deal." I gave him a short smile and form smoothing circles around my stomach that didn't hurt anymore. "Thank you Philip, for everything. I promise you that I'll take better care of myself." As I promised Philip I stayed in bed as long as I could. Sometimes when I felt a bit stiff I would walk around a bit and then head back to bed.

I do my school works at home and only go to school when I have a test, and after I'm finished I'd just go back home to rest again. I didn't want anything bad to happen to my babies. They had a heart disease already, I didn't want them to be born with more complications because I didn't took good care of myself.

Sebastian as always was there to make sure I had everything I needed. I had my family with me to support me and help me when I need it. My friends as always would come and throw little sleepovers, we would watch movies and TV shows.

We have found a new drama-ish series that was the bomb. Empire. Who ever made that shit is amazing. I love cookie and Lucious, they got me cracking and not bored. They're the reason why I found bed resting not so bad after all.

"I'm like totally on Hakeem's side, he's hot. I want him to take over the Empire." I rolled my eyes at Keera and struggled my way to sit up straight and leaned on the bed post.

"What? Hell no! Jamal all the way. The fact that he's gay and his father doesn't want him to lead is intriguing. I really want him to take the Empire." I told Keera while crossing my arms and stretching my legs a bit, I'm totally stiff.

I sighed deeply and closed my eyes for a few seconds, moving circles around my stomach. "I want you all to promise me something." I popped my eyes opened and looked at them with a short smile. "If, if something happens to me, I want you girls to help Sebastian through it. I don't want him to be left alone with two daughters all on his own. I want you all to support him and be there for him."

"We promise, but nothing is going to happen to you. You're a fighter. You've been fighting all your life, I won't think that you'll give up right now, now that your daughters need you the most. So get that thought about dying out of your head you hear me. Come here." Vanessa mentioned me to come with her hand and pulled me into a hug as the girls joined.

I giggled out as they started to tickle me but not too hard or exaggerated. I grabbed the closest thing I find and tossed a pillow at them while they did the same. The fact that they were being careful about it and just be fun and happy was making me forget about my situation and just enjoy.

The Heart Wants What It Wants *Completed* (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now