Bad News

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{}These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real. There's just too much that time cannot erase.{}

{54} I opened my heavily eyelids and with a deep sigh I removed the covers from my body, pushing myself up in a sitting position as I shuffled my feet around to find my slippers. I fixed my nightgown on my shoulder and leaned my hands on the bed, my head dipping down as I took deep breaths. I arched my back and stretched out as I cocked my head side to side while sighing.

I rubbed my watermelon in circles and leaned on my hand as I continued to do that motion. The door was opened and Sebastian walked in with a tray filled with food and in that very moment my stomach let out a growl, my cheeks heating up from the embarrassment.

"I guessed that you might be hungry after you woke up, so I brought you some food." He placed the tray on the nightstand and kneeled in front of me. "Are you feeling better?" I rested my hand on top of my watermelon and stared down at Sebastian with a sigh.

"I'm better than yesterday? It's a progress no?" I asked more than stated and pushed my hand off the bed, standing in front of Sebastian. He stood up and watched as I strolled into the bathroom, sliding my nightgown off my shoulders and let it fall on the ground.

I stepped away from the nightgown and pulled down my panties to walk inside the shower, sliding the door close and stood underneath the shower, letting the warm water pour down my body. I ran my hands in front of my face and leaned my head down, my fingers brushing through it.


I popped my eyes open at that and closed the handle. "I'll be out in a sec!" I shouted at him and put my knuckle in my mouth between my teeth thoughtfully. I removed my finger and bit my lip, turning around to grab the towel hanging on the shower wall and wrapped it around my body.

I slid the door open and scurried my hair to the side, twisting it to get the water out of it before stepping out of the shower. I walked toward the sink and grabbed my toothpaste and toothbrush, squirting it on my brush to brush my teeth.

I washed my mouth and brush before putting everything away and walked back inside the bedroom, walking toward the closet. I walked back out dressed in a cute fluffy dress and cute flats. "Did you cook?'

"No, my mother did. She's worried about you." I nodded my head in acknowledge and sat on the bed, my head leaning over the tray as I looked what was on it. Fresh cut out fruits, an orange juice and scrambled eggs. My stomach growled at the side and I licked my lips at the side of delicious goods.

"Hungry? Just lay on the bed and I'll feed you." Sebastian winked at me and grabbed the plate with the scrambled eggs, sitting next to me. "Open your mouth." I rolled my eyes at his bossy self but opened my mouth anyways to savor the delicious food.

"Yummy." I opened my mouth as he feed me more of the eggs until there was nothing left and gave me some orange juice. "That's good thanks." He nodded his head and put the glass on the nightstand and put the plate on the tray as he grabbed the one with fresh cut fruits.

"Sebastian!" I pouted at him when he ate the fruits. "They're for me not jerk."I stuck my tongue at him and made a disgusting sound when he licked my tongue. "Ugh! You're disgusting!"

"You like it somewhere else." He stuck his own tongue and pushed some fruits in my hanging mouth, moving my jaw to make me chew. I puffed the musty fruits out on him and burst out laughing. "You're going to pay for this."

He put the tray on the nightstand and pressed my legs together with his as he pinned my arms above my head. He leaned his head on my watermelon and blew raspberries on it, making me laugh nonstop until it turned into cries that turned into full blown sobs.

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