Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s POV:

The perfect night. Just like always, after dinner at Ichiraku's, we were headed back to Naruto's. We spent most of our time there once our day was over. The moment we get to the door, after saying something to tease him again, he grabs my waist and pulls me in for a deep kiss.

He opens the door without breaking our kiss and keeping his tight hold on my waist. We maneuver through the apartment. "You really drive me crazy." he says huskily into my ear as he bites it. "You're not so innocent yourself." I comment back out of breath. 

He pushes me down into his bed and climbs on top after taking off his shirt. He leans in and plants his lips against mine again. "I love you." he says with a smirk? I guess it was too dark in the room; I couldn't see his face clearly anymore. "I love you too... Kiba."

"AAAAH!" I jolt awake while panting.

"HAHAHA!" I hear a loud laugh and look towards it! "What did I say?" he smirks as he looks back at his three musketeers.

"SASUKE! Stay out of my mind!" I yell at him, but he continues to laugh. "Itachi! Tell your stupid little brother to keep his eyes away from my mind!" I complain.

"No one told you to daydream about such stuff in the open, and it was too easy. I thought you were supposed to be training?" he keeps that stupid smirk on his face.

"I was. We were taking a little break." I huff and try to erase that stupid image in my head. "Out of all people, you chose DogBreath? I feel like vomiting." I fake gag at the image.

"The Dobe told me how well you two get along." he laughs again.

"You just have to ruin everything, don't you?" I growl at him as I get up and dust myself off.

"What's wrong? Is the Dobe not satisfying you enough, you have to dream about it?" he snickers.

"You can't be more wrong. Naruto beyond satisfies me, I can't even describe how satisfied I am with him. I would go into more details, but I like to keep that part of him to myself." I say confidently, while he grimaces. "You, however, seem to be the pent-up one since you had the need to ruin my fantasies." I smirk and raise an eyebrow.

Sasuke walks up to me and looks down at me. "Excuse me? You want to say that again?" he grunts. "Are you pent-up, Little Uchiha? Do you also want someone to love?" I making kissing faces at him and he goes red in the face. "You are seriously-"

"Okay, enough the both of you." Itachi stands between us and pushes us away from each other. "As much as I'm enjoying seeing the both of you getting along, I do not enjoy hearing about your... activities." he clears his throat.

"We don't get along!" we both shout at the same time. God... I don't know where Itachi gets the wild idea that Sasuke and I are actually getting closer. If anything we only fight more and more each day. We both look at each other and look away directly. "Speaking of the blonde, where is he? He's usually attached to your waist." Itachi asks with a small smile.

I heave a sigh and look up to the blue sky, thinking of my Uzumaki. "He wanted to come, but some villagers wanted his help with something." I pout, "But he will join us as soon as he's finished." I smile again. Itachi chuckles at my change of moods. "Well then, how about we continue our training so you can show him how far you've come?" he takes off his robe and lifts his sleeves up.

"Oh yes! I'm ready this time!" I get into my stance and get ready for my lesson. Itachi has been helping me every day now with my Sharingan training. I hate to say it, but it's a big disgrace that I'm not a perfect Sharingan user. I'm an Uchiha and yet a small child could beat me with a Sharingan... Well, that's if the clan wasn't wiped out and all...

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