Chapter 16

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Naruto's POV:

Things have been weird around the island lately, and I don't just mean that I have to recruit animals to help us in the war... At the exact moment, I managed to control the fox; I realized that I could sense people a lot better than before, and I could now sense hate. It was weird at first, but it helped me detect Kisame, hiding in Killer B's sword.

If that wasn't bad enough, we got attacked again, but I wasn't allowed to help. Captain Yamato told me he and the others could handle it, but ever since then, I haven't seen him. Something feels off, and no one is explaining anything to me.

B and I were in one of his training areas, practicing my control again, and this bad feeling grew in me again, and I stopped him. "You can't tell me you don't feel that something fishy is going on." I tell B for the hundredth time. "Come on, Naruto. That isn't important; concentrate on your training, fool, you fool." he tells me in his unique way, and I try again to block off the bad feeling.

Okay, it's not working.

I get up and try to exit the special room. "I feel the Nine-Tails fox's chakra somewhere off the island." I explain to him, but he just shuts me off. "That's not possible; this is a room that blocks chakra." he says, but I trust my guts and leave the room.

Two guards stand outside, ready to stop me if I take a single step more. "What the hell is going on? Whatever it is you are hiding, I want to know." I demand, but they don't answer. "Naruto, you haven't completed your training yet." B comes up behind me and tries to get me back inside. 

I shrug him off and continue to leave the area, but the guards jump in front of me and stop me again. "Out of my way. If you won't tell me, I'll figure it out myself." I scowl and go to attack them, but Iruka-Sensei comes out of the group and stands in front of me.

"Iruka-Sensei? What are you doing here?" I ask. I was never told he was here; I only knew of Guy and Yamato. "Naruto, you need to calm down." he tells me in his calm voice and with that smile of his. "I'm calm, Sensei; I just know that something is going on, and I want to know what it is. I've been sensing the Nine-Tails Chakra for a while now." I explained to my old teacher, hoping he would understand my worry.

"Nothing is going on. You must be tired from all your training with his chakra, and it's catching up to you." I see through his lie as if he wasn't even trying to convince me. I scowl my eyebrows and push past him as I finally make it outside.

This time I'm stopped by the Nara's Shadow Jutsu. "Naruto Uzumaki, you are ordered to stop, and if you do not comply, we will use force." one of the guards says, but he doesn't know anything about me. I activate my Sage Mode, and my sensory activate with it, and I grasp the situation.

It's like I could see everything that is going on out there... on the battlefield!

"What... in the world is going on!?" I'm shocked by what I picked up. Iruka stands in front of me as he sighs. "I guess there is no point in keeping it from you anymore." he says and puts his hand on my shoulder. "The war has started already. You were sent here with Killer B to protect both of you." I didn't even know how to react to all that... How could they do this?!

"I specifically told you guys that I will not accept to sit aside while my friends fight a war to protect me!" I yell at him, and he nods. "Sometimes we have to do things that would upset someone to protect them. That's why (Y/N) sent you off with a smile." he tells me, and my eyes widen. 

"(Y/N) knew?" I ask, feeling my legs weaken. No... She wouldn't be on board with such a twisted plan! She knows how I feel about being treated like this! We agreed to fight side by side! "She requested to join you but was turned down. Jiraiya told her the truth. The moment she knew you would be completely safe here, it wasn't much of a fight anymore." he explains, but I still find it hard to believe.

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