Chapter 13

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Naruto's POV:

That S-ranked mission I was sent to? I was starting to wish I was never sent. Just to get to that remote island, we had to cross some very rough seas, and the waves were crazy! And if that wasn't enough, we got attacked by all sorts of giant creatures!

Once we got to the island, we met Killer B. He was the Eighth-Tail Jinchūriki, and he was the younger brother of the Raikage that they thought Sasuke killed. I'm glad he's alive and energetic, I guess. One thing I loved about him was his rapping! Those were always cool! He practically talks in rhymes.

I found out later on that he is basically best friends with his Tailed Beast. I wasn't sure how that was even possible... I couldn't imagine myself on acquaintance level with that fox, let alone friends. He apparently learned to control him on this very island! I asked if he could teach me, but he refused and barely even acknowledged me.

So, I had no choice but to go to Motoi. He was a ninja stationed here on the island, and I heard he was best friends with Killer B. I figured he would know what kind of training Killer B did to get control of his Tailed-Beast.

He told me about the Falls of Truth. That was where Killer B started his training. I wasn't sure how I felt about what I needed to do. I would have to face my inner-self and that I can't move on to the next step unless I do that first.

Motoi, Yamato, and I stand before the Falls of Truth, and I take a deep breath before jumping in the center and sitting down to start my training. How hard can it be?

A moment later, I open my eyes and hear someone talking. "Look at you." he says as he comes out from the falls. What the...? He looks just like me! What is going on here?! "Who are you?! What do you want?" I stand up and talk to the fake me.

He laughs with that smirk still on his face. "I'm the fake one? Are you sure?" he can read minds? Is this what Motoi was talking about? Is he... my inner-self? "I'm the real one here. You are just putting on an act in front of everyone, trying to hide your real feelings." he continues, but he isn't making sense.

"I'm not putting on an act! What are you talking about?" I ask back. "Your true feelings, of course. You can't hide all that hatred and anger from me. After all, I am created from those very same feelings." he laughs again.

No... No! I don't have hatred in me. I'm over it! I tell myself, but the Dark Naruto takes a step forward. "The Demon Fox feeds from that hatred, and he prefers me over you. He gave me the chance to show up in front of you like this." the fox is allowing him to manifest? So that can't be a lie... He couldn't have manifested from nothing.

I won't accept it!

"Those villagers, fawning over you and asking for your autograph? Suddenly you are a hero to them, but just before all that, they all looked at you with disgust. How fast their opinions changed. They are only flattering you, kissing up to the big man now. They are shallow." he says again with a wider smirk. "Isn't that why you didn't give them your autograph?"

"You're wrong! I'm done listening to you!" I growl at him, and we both attack each other. 

Attack after attack, but nothing seemed to work. He was mirroring my moves and to the exact speed and strength! We were evenly matched... I couldn't do anything against him.

"Naruto!" Yamato runs to me as I return my attention to the real world. "What happened?" I tell him who I met and what happened. "You will have to face that part of you, Naruto. That is if you plan to go further into the training of controlling your Tailed-Beast." Motoi says as I get back to him.

"It made no sense... but at the same time, it did. I just never thought those emotions were still inside me." I confess, and I know Yamato feels bad, but he didn't know what to do. "You can do it, Naruto. Just believe in yourself and believe in the people who have put their trust in you." he tells me.

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