Chapter 35

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Naruto and I were engaged for a year before we decided to hold a ceremony and finally get married. It was beautiful and surprisingly very traditional. Naruto wore the traditional black and grey clothes, and Itachi insisted I wear the Uchiha traditional ones. I'm not sure where he found one, maybe he had it made, but it was beautiful. It was a white and red kimono with the Uchiha crest on the back. 

Everyone was invited, of course, from our closest friends in the village to friends outside the village like Gaara and his siblings. Naruto had Jiraiya attend his wedding as his grandfather and Iruka as his father. 

The night he asked him if he could, he came home with his eyes red. When I asked what happened, he had the biggest smile as he told me all about his memories with Iruka and how much he means to him. It wasn't a surprise that Iruka would accept; after all, Naruto means just as much to him.

Itachi was the one to give me away. I thought Kakashi would want to do it, and we had a whole discussion about it. But Kakashi insisted that Itachi should do it; even though we are like siblings to each other, he felt that Itachi deserved it more. Plus, a true Uchiha should give away their family members. We all argued with him about the factual Uchiha nonsense. Still, he was happy being there as my brother, even without giving me away.

Both Iruka and Itachi shed a lot of tears during the ceremony. Itachi was already wiping tears away as he walked me down to Naruto. "I'm so proud and happy for you." he told me as he kissed my forehead before joining the rest of the crowd.

I had to control my tears so as to not ruin everything Sakura and Ino worked so hard on. It got easier once the ceremony was over and we joined the celebration. Everyone was happy for us and congratulated us. A few people wished Naruto luck, but we all laughed about it.

Jiraiya was beyond happy for Naruto. He showed it by being the only one who was always cheering and dancing. Tsunade tried to control him, but at that point, their relationship wasn't a secret anymore, and Jiraiya being a bit drunk, made sure whoever didn't know yet know. He convinced her to loosen up, and they got drunk together.

Sakura and Sasuke didn't tell us anything. Still, both Naruto and I knew they were trying to hide whatever relationship they agreed on. They weren't announcing it, but they weren't just friends anymore.

Our family members, Itachi, Jiraiya, and Iruka, planned a week trip for us somewhere outside the village. Where we could enjoy our newlywed life. "I guess with you two being outside the village, I can't call on your husband now and interrupt." that was the Raikage's hilarious joke. I couldn't believe he still remembered me lecturing him...

Naruto carried me in his arms and walked into a house I hadn't seen before when we got back to the village. He secretly planned with Kakashi to have a new home prepared for us. Obito apparently made all the arrangements and prepared the house for us for when we came back. "It's all ours, and it's great to raise our future kids in." Naruto told me as he showed me around the different rooms and the garden. 

Even though Naruto and I never spoke about when we will have kids, it happened all on its own a year after we were married. I guess staying at home enjoying each other's company on weekends helped with all that...

Naruto tripped over his feet when I told him Tsunade confirmed the pregnancy. He was overjoyed about it but then switched back to being worried. In the end, he didn't know how to feel precisely; he always wanted to prepare for kids and not have it be a surprise. But he wasn't complaining. "One child, we can do it. How hard can it be?" he reassured himself, but if only he knew; he cursed himself with that. 

A few months after that, when we went to a check-up, Tsunade said that the first reading missed the second child... Naruto and I were having twins. He was ready to pass out right there. Tsunade and I laughed at him and told him it would be fine. I can't blame him, though; he wasn't the only one scared to suddenly have two babies to look after and raise directly.

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