Chapter 23

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Kakashi's POV:

Naruto kept trying to attack the statue behind The Masked Man, but he was constantly stopped. "Nothing and no one will touch the statue." The Masked Man says as he yet again counters Naruto's attacks and sends him away from it.

"We have to work together; Naruto won't be able to defeat him on his own." I tell Guy, and we both join Naruto. Guy helps Naruto with attacking The Masked Man as a tag team, while I try to analyze his Jutsu and find the best way to get the upper hand.

I look back at the statue and decide that it is more important to get rid of it. If I can just get rid of its head, it should be enough to stop it from whatever plan he has. I activate my Kamui and aim it at the statue.

Just as I think it's working, suddenly, my Kamui is stopped. It was as if it was canceled all of a sudden. How? That has never happened before... There is nothing that could cancel my Kamui, unless...

Is that even possible?

"Damn it!" I hear Naruto scream out as he misses his attack again. The Masked Man is trying to separate him from us, to fight him on his own without Guy helping. There's no time to think about my Kamui; I have to deal with him first. "Killer B, a little help." I look behind me, and the giant octopus understands me.

I infuse my Kunai with lightning and get thrown right towards The Masked Man, cutting every boulder in my way with no effort. "Go, Kakashi!" I heard Guy screaming from behind me, but I wasn't going to make it in time. The Masked Man is going to connect with Naruto before I get there!

I throw my Kunai at him, and as usual, he dematerializes and lets it pass him. "Keep going, Naruto, don't worry about the Kunai." I scream at him as The Masked Man kicks the Kunai at Naruto. I use my Kamui and send the Kunai to the other dimension. 

With Naruto safe, we both get back to Guy. Another attack failed... How are we going to take this guy down? "He's too strong; what do we do?" Naruto asks. "None of our attacks are working." Guy comments. 

When The Masked Man turns towards us, his mask suddenly gets a crack in it. It cracked... An attack connected! "Naruto's punch worked! His mask is cracked." Guy cheers. "Eh? It is? Seriously? Where?" Naruto squints as he tries to see and then cheers.

It's great and all, but I doubt it was Naruto's punch that caused that. That sort of crack will not be caused by a punch; it will need something sharp to do that. Something like... my Kunai! That should have done it, but how? When? 

"It's time I do something too." Killer B or his Tailed Beast say as they attack the statue. The Masked Man shouts and surrounds it with a barrier hot to the touch right before the attack hits it. Killer B couldn't touch it or attack it anymore.

We need to stop The Masked Man first, and then we will be able to deal with the statue.

"Guys, I need your help with something." I tell the guys, and they turn to listen. "I think he's using one Jutsu instead of multiple." I start, and Guy is already confused. I explain my theory around his Jutsu and how it works. "I think we share the same dimension space." that on its own implied that we should technically have the same Sharingan... "Kakashi... Does he...?" Guy didn't need to finish his question.

"I don't know, but we need to test out my plan to get a better understanding of what he's using." They nod and get ready to attack again. The three of us attack simultaneously, Guy starting first, trying to get his attention. Once he is distracted enough, Naruto jumps from behind Guy and attacks him with a Rasengan. Of course, The Masked Man dematerializes before it can hit him. 

I use my Kamui on the Rasengan, though, and just as Naruto finishes passing through The Masked Man, his shoulder gets hit with an invisible attack, and he gets thrown off the boulder. 

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