Chapter 20

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Naruto's POV:

Killer B and I have been running to get to the battles as fast as possible. I can't believe Tsunade and Jiraiya would send me to this island and lie to me about its purpose. They knew exactly how I felt about being kept away. They even made (Y/N) lie to my face!

Why would she do that? She's never hidden anything from me. I mean, I know we told each other that we would do anything to protect the other, but I didn't think... I don't know what I thought, okay! I just didn't think she would hide something like this from me... But if I'm being honest, if she told me the truth, I wouldn't have left, which means I wouldn't have gained control of the Kyuubi.

Even though I didn't like knowing the truth like this, I can't say I didn't gain anything from this mission.

Being in my Kyuubi Chakra Mode, I can sense so much around it's almost overwhelming. It's like I can sense every single person out there, fighting. I can almost see them in a way. It's amazing and scary at the same time. 

"Yo, Naruto. Everything cool?" B says as he runs next to me. "Ya, just had a lot on my mind. Our friends have been fighting all this time on their own while we have been sheltered on that island." I share with him, and he hums and agrees. "No need to think about it anymore, fool, you fool. We will get there and do our own share of fighting." he raises his fist, and I bump it with mine.

We continued running towards the biggest energy I felt, and just as we were getting close, I sensed two chakras I did not want to meet.

"Naruto, stop." Tsunade tells me as she stands next to A with their arms crossed over their chests. "B, you have to get back to the island." he tells his brother, but it sounded more like an order.

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice a war happening around me?" I speak up to Tsunade. "You know how much I hate having people fighting my own battles. I am joining this war, and nothing and no one will stop me." I get in a defensive stance just in case. "Watch yourself, boy. Just because you've gained some power doesn't mean you can't be stopped." A almost growls at me.

"Just because you are stronger doesn't mean you will stop me. I WILL not sit aside while my friends are out there risking their lives for me." I scowl at him. "Let us pass, Brother; Naruto is right. And I will protect him from the enemy." B stands next to me against his brother.

"I will stop you, even if I have to kill you." A says and gets ready to attack. Before I can move, B blocks A's attack, "If you want to kill Naruto, you will have to kill me too." he challenges, and A did not like it.

"Raikage, Naruto has obviously gained a lot more power and control on the Nine-Tails. We can use this power of his and Killer B's to win this war." Tsunade, thankfully, stands with us. I didn't want to fight with her as well to get past. "I will not risk my brother's life just because he wants to fight, and I will not be giving the enemy what he wants on a silver platter!" he yells and comes for me again.

I try to dodge him as much as I can, but he isn't known as the fastest man alive for no reason. Let's not forget that one hit from him could send me flying... B continues to try and persuade his brother, and at some point, it sounded like they were arguing more and more.

I came here to help, and I will start with helping B fight his brother. We both work together to defeat the Raikage, but he manages to keep up with both of our attacks the entire time. If I wasn't in a hurry to get past him, I might have been more impressed.

The fight only intensifies as it continues, but as I kept trying to land my own attacks and dodge his crazy lightning and punches, I eventually started feeling myself getting faster in both my attack and my defense. 

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