Chapter 22

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Naruto's POV:

Killer B and I fought against all the other Jinchūrikis... and it was one heck of a fight. Tobi made sure the odds were against us. However, I doubt he thought I would connect with them and their Tailed Beasts. 

I never thought that would be possible; I didn't even know they had names, let alone all that history... Kurama, that's his name. He's been with me since I was born, and only now did I learn he had a name. Of all the years they have been with Jinchūrikis, no one has bothered learning their names or memorizing them.

I took it upon myself to learn their names and never forget them.

Once we got to the main battle, B turned into his Tailed Beast Mode and caught all the Jinchūrikis, and I managed to free them all from Tobi. The real fight started there, we had to fight Tobi now, and he was not an easy opponent.

Thankfully, Kakashi-Sensei and Guy-Sensei came to help us. Just as we were getting ready to attack again, "Naruto, the Jinchūrikis are glowing." B tells me in his Tailed Beast Mode, and we all look towards them. Is it what I think it is? "YES! They did it." I cheer and laugh as I see the souls leave the reanimated bodies.

"Kabuto, you idiot." I hear Tobi muttering under his breath. I join Kakashi and Guy on the main ground in front of B and confidently stand against Tobi. "It seems (Y/N) and the others stopped the reanimation Jutsu." Kakashi chuckles. "Well, they sure are heroes just for doing that!" Guy laughs, and I would love to see the look on his face if he found out he just called the Uchiha brothers heroes.

"What's wrong? You seem pretty upset." I smirk at Tobi. "What are you talking about?" he even sounded annoyed. "Well, I can't really tell from your hidden face behind that mask, so I'm just going to imagine whatever face I want." I shrug my shoulders. "If you feel insulted by my assumption, why don't you take off that mask and show us how composed you really are, Stupid?" I mock him while pointing my finger at him.

Guy laughs from next to me, "Nice one, Naruto!" but Kakashi did not agree so much. "You really shouldn't learn to rile up your opponents from her..." and he might be right, but I felt too good to pass it up this time. I guess I now know why she does it.

"You guys leave me no choice. I guess I'm going to have to use them." Tobi says as he summons a  giant gourd and a bottle? "Honestly, I wanted to do this with better conditions. But they will do; they aren't lacking in power." he feeds them to the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path.

The Statue roars and Tobi stands there with a specific hand sign ready. "It was taking too long. It's finally time." he says. The energy around us goes crazy as the statue continues to growl. "It's finally time for the Ten-Tails." Tobi says, and we all take our defensive stance.

"This must be the Ten-Tails real body." Kakashi says, and I'm even more confused now. "But how? He shouldn't have the Eight or Nine-Tails chakra." he looks at B and then me. Gyūki, the Eight-Tails, scratches the back of his head with a tentacle and explains. "The Akatsuki might have a small portion of my chakra from a clone I left behind so we can escape." that makes sense.

"Naruto, you feel it too, right?" Kurama speaks to me from inside. "You felt my chakra from that gourd." he confirms. "Give me control, I'll explain to the others, and you can listen in from here." he says, and I give him control. 

"Listen up, everyone." Kurama speaks, and Kakashi and Guy are shocked. "That's Kurama, the fox within Naruto. Don't worry, they are tight bros now." Gyūki tells them, and they pay attention. "That gourd had my chakra from those weird brothers that were reanimated. Which means that guy has both our chakras now, and that's how he's reviving the Ten-Tails."

"We have to stop him before the Ten-Tails is fully revived." Kakashi says. That's when Tobi decided to comment again. "Kakashi." he calls him so casually... "You speak your mind too easily. You are a man who is fitted to live a life full of regrets." he is really talking as if he knows Kakashi personally.

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