Chapter 10

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*I feel like I should put a warning here just in case. This chapter will have some heavy dark stuff. Just read cautiously if you don't like such things.*

(Y/N)'s POV:

"It's been a while, Uchiha Itachi." Kakashi says with that sly smile behind his mask as he steps right in front of him. "Yes, it has been." Itachi replies, still in his place with a calm but stiff expression on. 

"Kakashi-Sensei, what are you doing here?" I ask, trying to take his attention away from Itachi. It felt like he was suddenly going to jump on him and start a fight. "I had a feeling you might choose tonight to do that crazy plan of yours. Use the opportunity that Naruto is not here to really drive yourself nuts." he answers, still looking at Itachi. "I told her it's not a good idea. I only agreed because I thought Naruto would be there." Itachi says, or more like clears up? Why does Kakashi make Itachi nervous?! He's Uchiha Itachi, for God's sake!

"No need to justify yourself, Itachi. She already told me everything. Although I do feel like you were trying to throw the blame on me if something went wrong. What? Can't handle the guilt of possibly destroying her mind?" he looms over him. "Kakashi-Niichan, enough! Itachi did everything right. I'm the one forcing him!" I push my captain back and stand between them.

Kakashi laughs as he stands back with his hands raised. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry, just thought of having some fun. I mean, you sure took me on a ride the last time we met." he smirks as he looks back at Itachi. We all look at the older Uchiha to understand what that meant. "I'm sorry, Kakashi-San. I didn't want you to catch on to my real plan. To the fact that I was still trying to keep Sasuke and the village safe." he bows slightly.

"Oh enough with all that formality. We're both adults now, and we've both done things for our loved ones. No need to justify our actions." he walks back to Itachi and puts his hand on his shoulder. "When (Y/N) told me her story, I wanted to meet you again just to thank you for sparing her and raising up to be the strong girl she is today. Knowing her, I'm sure it wasn't easy."

"Hey! I was a very adorable kid! I still am adorable." I cross my arms and puff out my cheeks. The older men chuckle at my response. "I don't deserve your thanks, but I do appreciate it. I know she's important to you; that's why I needed to make sure you were okay with this." Itachi tells him. "We both know she will eventually get what she wants. We are nowhere near as stubborn as she is. We will just have to look after her once it's done." Kakashi shrugs, and Itachi agrees to his statement.

"Okay, that's it. You both know I'm standing right here, right?" I raise my eyebrow at them. "Talking about me as if I can't hear you." I mumble. "But I've got to say, it's pretty cute all the things you guys are saying about me. Never knew you loved me so much, Kakashi-Niichan!" I nudge him with my elbow while smirking at him.

He grabs me in a headlock and ruffles my hair like crazy until I look like I was hit with electricity! "Ah! Stop it! You always ruin my hair." I complain as I try to get away from him. "That's just my love for you. Isn't that what you want?" he mocks me. 

After Kakashi settled down and everyone relaxed around our new guest, the issue was brought back to light. "So, are you going to do it or not?" I ask Itachi again. He sighs and looks at Kakashi. "I still think it's a bad idea." he says. "So do I." Kakashi agrees. "I think if she has the resolve to get through it, she will do just that."

We all look towards Little Uchiha, who was sitting by a tree with his arms crossed. "You really think so, Sasuke?" I look at him in shock but happy he's on my side. "As she said before, she's improved in her Sharingan faster than anyone. She fell off a bridge and survived because she was too stubborn to die. She got tossed around by pain and almost crushed by a rampaging Naruto and still survived. I think even death is done with her at this point, probably finds her soul too annoying to drag back." he scoffs and shrugs his shoulders.

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