Chapter 32

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Seeing Naruto jealous and finding out that he lost control over some guy talking about me felt great. He kept showing off and boasting about how he is so much better at controlling his possessiveness and teasing me about how I have some growing up and catching up to him to do. 

At least I didn't punch the girl or attack her. So I think I win!

I mean, he did carry me and hold me back, but still. He doesn't need to know that. He still drops me off when I have training with my team and always leaves after glaring at Kenji and giving me a deep and long kiss. Apparently, he's making sure everyone remembers that there's no getting between us.

A few weeks pass by, and Naruto seems to have a special schedule set for him. Kakashi and Tsunade haven't told him what it's for yet, but he's not complaining. At least not to them... On long days he comes back home acting like a kicked puppy who needs a treat for his hard work. Of course, I give him all the treats he wants and more. He wakes up the next day fully energized and ready for another busy day.

Kakashi has me busy going on small missions with my team and training them to be able to stand on their own as new Jōnin. Of course, I don't feel as busy as Naruto is, and sometimes that gets to me. I start to think that I need to do more, but we are in a peaceful world now, and I guess most of our jobs will have to be about improving ourselves and the village.

Today, I finished my training early and decided to walk around the village to see if I could bump into anyone to pass the day with. I would have checked if Sai is available, but I know he's out of the village on a critical mission. So, I just have to try my luck somewhere else.

As I'm walking around, I see Neji standing by a corner. That's weird... I walk up behind him and tap his shoulder. "Hey, Neji." he jumps and spins to face me with a scowl. "Everything okay?" I ask, and he lets out a sigh. "It's you. Why are you here?" he asks me, trying to glance back at whatever he was looking at before. "I was walking around and saw you peeking around the corner." I raise my eyebrow at him. "I was not peeking. Just... observing." he says with a slight blush.

This suddenly got very interesting. "Well, what are we observing?" I move to look where he was looking. "No! Wait." he tries to stop me, but I was already looking. I don't get it, though... There's nothing there or anyone for that fact. "What were you looking at? There's nothing there except Tenten's shop." I tell him, and he goes stiff. He clears his throat and looks towards the shop. "Well, yes. That's what I was looking at, the shop. I need some weapons, and I was checking if she's busy." he explains, and even though it was weird, I believed him.

"Just go ask her. You guys were part of the same team; why are you being weird? Come, I'll go with you." I grab his hand and pull him after me even as he was protesting. "Hey, Tenten!" I greet her as we enter her empty shop. "Oh, hey (Y/N), Neji." she waves at us. We walk up to her counter, and I lean on my elbows. "I found this guy outside reluctant to enter, and I'm free, so I dragged him in." I pat his shoulder, and he scowls at me.

"Do you need something, Neji?" she asks him with a small smile. The last time I hung out with Tenten, we spoke about all sorts of things, but mostly she wanted advice on one particular topic. Her love life. Even though I told her I might not be the best in that department, she insisted on getting my opinion.

Turns out, that Tenten still has feelings for Neji. She is beyond attracted to him, but then again, I think all the girls in the village would understand her attraction. Neji is a man to fawn over; he's also as pretty as an art piece. But no one dares to approach him. They all feel he is far above their league. 

Except for Tenten. The reason she hasn't approached him yet in that context or told him anything is that she doesn't want to make their friendship awkward. I told her that their friendship is not so weak to just get affected by a simple love confession. Neji treasures his friends, so he won't make things hard on her.

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