Chapter 21

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"GO!" Sasuke yells, and we both run to attack at the exact same time. Thankfully, when we were looking for Kabuto, I was also training with Sasuke and Itachi. Our timings and methods have found a way to sync together.

Even though we are both using different Jutsus and fighting techniques, we are managing to stay out of each other's way while still trying to inflict damage on Kabuto. 

"Take a step back." he tells me, and I don't think twice about it. He activates his Susanoo and starts to attack Kabuto again. I keep up with his attacks and try to get Kabuto from the other direction. 

Not all of us can have giant whatevers to fight with...

"You really think the two of you can defeat me? You have no idea what I've done to develop my abilities." Kabuto states with a creepy smile. "We really don't care." I replied back, but it's not like he cared. "I've learned all sorts of abilities from so many different people, two of which you are familiar with." he starts to narrate. I just roll my eyes and go for another attack with my fireball.

"What part of we don't care don't you get?" I tell him, and he laughs. "Karin and Jūgo's abilities have come in handy a lot of times." he's trying to rile us up. I grit my teeth to stop myself from commenting and activate my Mangekyō Sharingan. "(Y/N)! Not now, don't drain yourself yet." Sasuke says, but I'm not holding back anymore.

"Ah, another Uchiha. I guess the clan can be revived now." Kabuto looks between the both of us, and we both wanted to vomit. "Shut up, man. You're making me sick." I tell him and send a handful of fiery feathers at him. He manages to dodge them, even though he doesn't know of their power. "Interesting. You will be fun to dissect." I couldn't help but stumble at that.

"WHAT?! Are you insane?" I yell at him, and he starts to tell us how he is actually a genius, even better than his master, Orochimaru. "I've finally surpassed him." he laughs. "You and Orochimaru are not different from each other; you are both disgusting snakes." Sasuke snarls and goes for a Chidori attack with his Katana.

"You are foolish, Sasuke. I have evolved from a snake and turned into a dragon." he spreads his arms out and, I guess, enters Sage mode? Naruto explained that to me once, but this guy is just crazy at this point. "Dragon? Seriously? Sasuke, how are you still sane after hanging out with these people for three years?!" I ask Little Uchiha, and he just grunts. 

"Concentrate (Y/N)!" he dodges a snake attack from the so-called dragon. God, this guy is dramatic... We make eye contact and coordinate an attack together, my Katana manages to scratch his torso, and he hisses. "Let's see you guys deal with this." Kabuto forms a bunch of hand sighs, and suddenly everything turns black, and I can't hear a single thing around me. 

"Sasuke? What's going on?" I say, but I couldn't even hear myself... or Sasuke if he replied. After trying a couple of times, I realized that my sight and hearing are disabled for good. I need to find another way to locate Sasuke and Kabuto. 

I activate my sensory and sense Sasuke a few steps to my left, "Watch out!" I yell out and stand in front of him and the oncoming chakra that should be Kabuto attacking. "We need to come up with a plan to deal with him like this." I tell him, and I could tell he was strategizing even without him answering.

"Okay, Itachi and I had this training. It could work." he tells me and starts to explain the plan. "Oh, we did the same thing in the forest. I guess he taught us the same thing, cool!" I laugh, and Sasuke hits me on the head. "I'm going for it." he doesn't wait for me and fires an arrow toward Kabuto.

As Kabuto was busy with the arrow, I dashed behind him to try to strike him, but instead, he had a sword with him and stabs me. "(Y/N)!" Sasuke yells my name, but I pop up a few feet away from Kabuto. Without wasting a second, I use my Sharingan, appear before him, and manage to cut one of his horns.

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