Chapter 30

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Yesterday's little date couldn't have ended any better. I mean, maybe if we didn't get a lecture from Sasuke when we returned, it would have been a perfect ending... but we did technically completely forget that we were meant to meet him at Naruto's so I could take him to mine.

"You guys are seriously unbelievable. I've been waiting for hours!" he yelled. Naruto scratched the back of his neck with a silly smile on his face. "Sorry, we lost track of time. But, we have great news!" he beamed at him. Sasuke rolled his eyes and waited for him to continue. "(Y/N) and I are going to officially move in together!" he cheered, and I laughed at his excitement; it was too cute.

Sasuke looked between us like we were weird. "I thought you two were already living together." he looked at us, confused. "Oh, my- Am I the only one who thought about it too much?!" I couldn't believe that even Sasuke thought everything was already done. Seriously! I worried all this time for nothing.

Naruto laughed too hard in my opinion and continued to tell Sasuke about all the trouble I went through to try to convince him and how nervous I was. No surprise that Sasuke mocked me for it as well. "From now on, this topic is closed!" I warned them, but that only made them laugh harder at my embarrassment. 

If this gets back to Kiba, I'll never hear the end of it. 

Naruto and I helped Sasuke settle in at my apartment, and he did give me the most disgusted look at how messy my place looked. Even after I cleaned it up a bit, he still cleaned up after me. It wasn't that bad... "You're seriously made for this guy! How are you an Uchiha?" he said as he tidied up the place further. Naruto was beyond happy about his first comment. "I'm going to choose to ignore the other part of your comment. I'm happy you approve of my Little Sunshine and me!" I hugged Naruto and pulled my tongue out at the Little Uchiha.

After a while, we decided to leave and planned to meet up the next day. Sasuke's plans only consisted of being with Itachi, but we did force him to spare us a couple of hours to have lunch or dinner, his choice.

That night, when Naruto and I got back home. Our home. It wasn't different than any other night, but somehow it was still different. Naruto stayed giddy and couldn't fall asleep. "Once I get my arm tomorrow, I'm going to test it out by holding you all day." he chuckles and nuzzles himself in the crook of my neck. "I'm sure Tsunade would want a better testing than that." I laugh and hold him closer. "I don't care. Holding you, carrying you, and just hugging you perfectly will be the best thing that comes from getting my arm back." he kissed me and rested his head on the pillow next to me. "In that case, I can't wait." I kissed him back, and we both fell asleep, looking forward to tomorrow.

 As much as I wanted to go with Naruto to his arm testing, Tsunade said it would be better to stay back. Only special personnel were allowed in that hospital section, and I couldn't argue with that. Naruto followed behind her excitedly and promised he would be right back.

I decide to wait for him in Itachi's room with Sasuke. "Naruto went to get his arm?" Sasuke asks me when I settle down on the other side of Itachi's bed. "Ya, he's super excited." I laugh, and Sasuke shakes his head. 

Sakura walks in and does her daily check-ins with Itachi, and it's entertaining to see the small interactions between her and Sasuke. Even Itachi is having difficulty holding back his comments and amused look. "So S-Sasuke. How was your first night? Y-You're staying with (Y/N)?" she asks, and even though I wanted to correct her sentence, I left it to Sasuke. "It was fine. And I'm not staying with her; I'm staying at her place. She apparently just found out that she's been living with Naruto, so her place is empty." he corrects her, and she's actually relieved.

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