Chapter 6

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Naruto's POV:

I'm not sure how I managed to convince Kakashi to go along with me to talk to the Raikage; all I know is that I'm glad he didn't stop me. I knew for a fact that Sasuke couldn't have killed that team's Sensei; he's been close by with Itachi and training with (Y/N) for a good while now. So unless he killed him before everything happened with his family, it wasn't him.

Going around and asking people for clues or intel on what could have really happened would take too long, and on top of that, I don't even know who the dead guy is. So, the only thing I could think of was to convince the Raikage that Sasuke was innocent. If that worked, we could even try to stop Danzō which would get (Y/N) out.

I hate that I'm leaving her in that place. She doesn't deserve to even be close to someplace like that, let alone be in it, for I don't know how long. As tempting as Sai's jailbreak plan was, I knew doing it would mean she wouldn't be able the enter the village anymore. That's the last thing I need... for my best friend and my girlfriend to be hunted down or locked out of the village.

When I get back, I'm going to try to explain her situation to the villagers. I'm sure they will believe me or at least take my word into consideration.

Unfortunately, the Raikage was a lot more stubborn than I expected. He didn't want to hear a single word from me, even after I got on my knees. He said a man shouldn't get down on their knees, that it doesn't show strength. I disagree with that thought, but there was no use in telling him since he wouldn't have bothered to listen to me.

My mission failed.

I tried convincing Kakashi to go to the Summit and try to stop Danzō, that we could try to get the Kages on our side and Gaara would help. He shut me down and told me to rest for the night. I know he's also worried about (Y/N), but we are going up against a powerful person; it won't be that easy. 

When I told him what happened, his entire body was shaking with anger. He scolded me, saying how he told us this would happen, that we should have never gone against Danzō like that. I let him get it all out; it was better than having him do something crazy in the village.

"Uzumaki Naruto." I hear someone call my name, and I find the Masked Guy from the Akatsuki. Kakashi was certain it was Uchiha Madara, even if it made no sense. "I see you have failed to convince the Raikage." he sits on a branch of a tree. "What do you want? Why are you here? How do you even know why I'm here?" I ask; Kakashi and Yamato stand by, prepared for an attack.

"No need to worry, I'll tell you everything." he waves his hands to calm us down, not that it was working. "Your girl told me everything; she was more than happy to give any information I need to get her out of that reeking place." he says. I feel Yamato look between Kakashi and me, checking if it was possible that (Y/N) would sell us out. "Did she also get on her knees and beg?" I mock him. "(Y/N) would kill herself before selling any of us out. She would never betray us or the village, so stop lying and start telling the truth." I growl at him for even thinking he could get between us.

He shakes his head and chuckles. "You two are really fun to rile up. She didn't need to tell me anything; I, in fact, told her all about you and young Uchiha's plans." he could tell how that went against our plans from my face; he probably told her to drive her crazy in that cell. "You probably won't find her if you return to the village now." he decides to share. "What do you mean?" I ask. 

"Last I saw of her, she was escaping that cell with an ANBU mask on. It didn't seem she had a pleasant plan in her head." he shakes his head as if he is dreading whatever she was planning, but I knew he was just being dramatic.

"Stop filling his head with lies. (Y/N) might have escaped, but for her to go that far means she has a solution to Naruto's problems." Kakashi comments. "There's nothing she wouldn't do to help Naruto if she was told he was facing a big problem." he continues. "You have too much faith in her Hatake Kakashi. She has the devil's blood in her; darkness will always be within her. All Uchihas give in to it eventually. How else do they activate the Devil's red eyes?" he stands and stares Kakashi down. 

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