Chapter 25

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Naruto's POV:

Ever since Madara got here, things have gotten a lot worse. Not only were we not able to stop Obito, but now the Ten-Tails has somehow been revived and is going crazy, destroying everything in its path.

Everyone is working together to stop it, but it's a lot stronger than any of us anticipated. When it started shooting Beast Bombs, that's when things got even worse... We lost our HQ and everyone in it. 

Shikaku... Inoichi... I wish I could have done something for them. They helped us till the last second. I can't even check on Shikamaru or Ino because of everything still going on.

With Neji, Hinata, and Hiashi staying close by to protect me, I'm able to get my head back in the game and fulfill the plan that Shikaku and Inoichi sent us. The Ten-Tails seems out of control; I'm not sure why and I don't care. We just need to stop it before it causes more trouble.

It raises its hand and shoots wooden spikes out of it. They are too many and coming too fast to dodge all of them. Everyone tries to protect themselves and the people around them. "Naruto, be careful!" Hiashi shouts from a distance as he spins and stops the spikes from hitting him.

My chakra still hasn't fully recharged; I can't use Kurama's chakra just yet. I need to help everyone. "Naruto, are you okay?" Neji stops another round of spikes. "Ya, thank you. I can use Sage mode now." I get up and form a few clones and charge a bunch of Rasen Shuriken. "I can't always have you geniuses protect me." I smile at him and charge to attack the hands of the Ten-Tails.

Just as I throw all of them, I feel my chakra empty out again. I can barely stand on my feet... How am I going to fight with everyone? How will I protect them? Hinata manages to stop a spike from hitting me as I'm trying to catch my breath. But the attack didn't stop there; the giant hand was coming for another sweep. Hiashi stops it, but it raises its hand and shoots a focused, spikes attack at me.

I'm too drained! Hinata runs and stands in front of me to protect me from the spikes, but I can't have her sacrifice herself for me. Move, Naruto! "Byakugan!" we hear Neji say as he jumps to protect Hinata and me. No... I don't want anyone to die for me! 

"Neji!" I shout.


Suddenly, a black flame sets all the spikes on fire as someone lands next to me. Not only was I and Hinata shocked by the sudden save, but so were Neji and Hiashi. Neji was saved... I looked up at the newcomer, and I wanted to give him the biggest hug! "Itachi... thank you." I get to my feet and rest my hand on his shoulder.

"No need, are you okay?" he asks, and I nod. "Naruto! Get away from him." Neji yells as he prepares to attack the previous Akatsuki member. It doesn't help that he's still wearing the robe... "Wait, no! Itachi is on our side. We don't have the time to explain but trust me, Neji. He's here to help... He just helped us." I tell him, and although he wasn't entirely on board, Neji lowers his hands and looks at me. "You will explain it all when this is over." he orders, and I nod.

If Itachi is here, then it must mean that- "She's not here." Itachi tells me. I look at him worriedly, and he just smiles. "She's fine. She's helping Sasuke with something and coming right here. She's okay." he reassures me. "I knew it... This?" Neji points at Itachi, "Has (Y/N) written all over it." he scowls as he shakes his head. "Ya... It's all her." I rub the back of my neck.

"I came to help after hearing Madara is still alive." Itachi lets us know, and we fill him in on everything that has happened. "And... you're okay?" I try to ask discreetly. "Yes, I came prepared. I'll be fine." he says and looks at the Ten-Tails to see Madara and Obito standing on its head.

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