Chapter 14

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Practically everyone was unhappy that I asked Tsunade to train me to heal Itachi. By everyone, I mean the adults and Sakura. They all thought I'd put too much stuff on my plate, and I'm biting more than I can chew, but I can't seem to see their point.

I know I'm doing too much at the same time with the bit of time we have, but that is exactly why I'm doing this much. We don't have much time...

We all know we can't change Itachi's mind about fighting to the death in the war when both Sasuke and I will be giving it our all as well, and I can't have his illness be his downfall. If Karin and I can help slow that thing down and give him a better fighting chance, then I'm going to do that, and no one will stop me.

Weirdly, but thankfully, Sasuke was on my side. He didn't technically say he was or stood by my side against everyone, even though that could have helped a lot... BUT! He did give me those supporting eyes and a slight nod when I looked at him.

When we were alone, as everyone was trying to find a way to convince me to stop, he mumbled a thank you. It was out of character, and I thought it was the end of the world, but his eyes didn't move from Itachi.

Sasuke is worried sick about his older brother, but he isn't showing it, and sometimes I feel it's eating him up.

I think he just wants to destroy everything so no one starts another stupid problem or war, and he can just ask his brother to rest already. He isn't patient enough to learn Medical Jutsu. He prefers attacking his enemies over healing the injured, so we decided he would protect Itachi when he can, and I'll heal when needed.

It was the first time we came up with a plan together and the first time we would be working together towards something. It felt good.

So when they ask him to talk some sense into me, he just shrugs and says, it's my life I'm burning out, not his problem. Itachi lectures him about how he should care about his friends, and I act my part and tease him about it.

He kills me later on for playing along for too long, but I'm somehow happy we are secretly on the same side.

It's like we secretly bonded, and no one knows!

"(Y/N), you have practically learned it. It will get easier the more you use it." Tsunade tells me as we finish our session. I pant and wipe the sweat from my forehead. "And this will help him? Even if he fights?" I ask. She sighs and sits on a chair, "I'm not sure how much it will help, but it is better than nothing. I'm sorry I can't do more."

I sit next to her and think of the possible upcoming battles we will have to fight. "I understand; I really do. I just wish it was different. I wish his illness weren't so lethal and hard to cure; I wish the cure weren't hard to find and make. I wish for a lot of things. I don't care how far I have to go; I just want to have a peaceful future with everyone. Those two at least deserve that much." I tell her as I join my hands together while resting my arms on my knees.

"So do you." she replies, but I look at her, confused. "You deserve that future just as much as them. So don't think of anything stupid like sacrificing yourself for someone else." she warns me, and I chuckle. "Depending on that someone else, so I can't make promises, sorry." I smile as she shakes her head.

"How has your training with Kakashi been going?" she asks as we walk back to her office. "A lot better; I'm somehow able to keep up with his attacks now. I still haven't landed consecutive attacks on him, but I'm getting there." we both laugh. "You did pick a talented and strong person to teach you." she blames me. "I know, but the victory will be that much better when I finally defeat him." I smirk.

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