Chapter 9

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(Y/N)'s POV:

What do you mean he's missing!?" I yell as we run back to the village. "He was with Sakura. Did you check with her?" I ask him. "Yes, she was the one who informed us of his disappearance." he explains, and I wanted to pull my hair out.

Did Madara somehow get into the village and take him? There's no way! He's pretty noticeable, and I would have sensed his strong chakra anywhere near the village. Did he send someone? Like that Cactus Akatsuki!? He can come and go from the ground, can he take someone with him?

"(Y/N)! Where are you going?" Sai snapped me out of my thoughts as I was running with no place in mind. "Are you sure you searched everywhere? His house? Training ground? Ichiraku?" I ask. "We all searched everywhere; I waited till the last minute to tell you until I was sure he was really missing." he tells me, and I hit the brakes. "Wait, how long has he been gone, Sai!?" I yell at the fact that I wasn't told right away! "Around half an hour." he admits. 

Damn it! I knew I should have stayed by his side!

"Where is everyone?" I ask calmly, not wanting to explode on the artist. " At the Hokage's office." he leads the way, and we run there. If I wasn't panicking about a missing Uzumaki, I would have asked and shared my shock at the fact that Tsunade is already back in the office. "I expected your arrival sooner or later." she tells me as she rubs her temple. "Before you bomber me with questions, I don't know anything. We are all trying to figure it out." she stopped me before I even opened my mouth.

They all repeat the information they have and compare their notes on where Naruto could be. That's it! "This is pointless; I'm going out to try and find him." I tell them, but Tsunade stops me. "You can't roam around looking for him; we need every capable person here in case this was an enemy attack." she uses her authority voice. "But, it's obvious he isn't here! Talking about it won't find him!" I try to reason with her.

"Guys, I can hear your voices all the way outside. What's all the fuss about?" we all turn to the new voice, and mostly everyone sighs out of relief. "You idiot! Where have you been!?" I wasn't one of them. I slap his arm and pinch his cheek. "Ow! I was summoned to Mount Myōboku, the land of the Toads. The elder needed me." he explains, but that did not stop me from pinching his cheek again. "You tell your little frog buddies to leave a message the next time they feel the need to abduct you!" I release his cheek and hug him. "You scared the hell out of me!"

"What she said. We thought the enemy got you." Tsunade explains to him as he hugs me back. "Sorry, I didn't think much of it. I'll be careful for next time." he rubs the back of his neck.

With this issue solved and Kakashi being here, it's the perfect time to talk to him. "Kakashi-Sensei, can I have a word? Alone?" he raises an eyebrow but makes his way out of the office. "And you! Don't disappear again. I need to talk to you about something." I tell Naruto with a warning finger pointed at him. He laughs and promises to stay around.

"Something wrong?" Kakashi asks me behind the Hokage building, where it's private. "You know Earth Style, and I was wondering if you could train me to harness it." I directly get to the point. "Oh? How come all of a sudden?" he leans on the wall. "I just need to get stronger, and Earth is the easiest after learning lightning; it will help. I've looked into it." I explain, and he chuckles. 

"Sure, I don't mind. It won't be easy, though. Not everyone can harness three chakra styles." he warns me, but it wasn't something I didn't know. "I wasn't expecting it to be easy. I'm prepared." he laughs and ruffles my hair.

As he was about to leave, I knew I had to inform him about my other plan... "There's... one more thing I need you to know." I force myself to speak. I continue when he turns back around to look at me. "You know I'm in constant contact with the 'brothers.'" I refrain from using their names in the village. "Yes? Have they done something?" he asks. "N-No, but I need the older one to do something for me, and he won't do it until I get your approval." I prepare myself. "I see he knows his place." his voice sounded dark, but I ignored it.

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