Chapter 17

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"Does this mountain of yours have a name? Just so you know, I traveled a lot before joining the Leaf Village. I might know it and be able to help navigate." I tell Sasuke as I run next to him. We are back on the move, and I'm not sure how or why, but we are moving faster than when we started.

"It's called Mountain's Graveyard. Kabuto used to do a lot of experiments over there." he informs us as he scowls. He had a look on his face that said he remembered something unpleasant. I let the silence sit for a bit before I ask my question. "Hey, is it okay if I ask what happened with you during those three years?"

I heard Suigetsu shushing me in the back, but I didn't care. "It's not like I'm prying into your business. I'm just curious? You kind of had so many reasons to stay in the village with your friends and teachers who probably cared a lot about you. Why would you choose to follow a lonely and hard path?" I asked differently and Suigetsu wanted to kill me at this point.

Sasuke didn't look like he was planning on answering, so I shrugged and looked ahead, not pushing my luck to get an answer. Then, I hear a sigh and look at him. "Back then, I was set on getting revenge for my family and clan. Even though I was growing stronger in the village, Orochimaru promised me more power, and he promised it faster." he starts, and I hold in the surprise sound that wanted to come out.

"How exactly did he do that? I mean, I understand your need and desire for it. I kind of went crazy a few weeks back trying to grow stronger in the least amount of time." I try to relate to him. "He gave me his cursed mark; it somehow activates and gives you so much power that you sometimes can't control." he explains and looks back at his team, "Everyone who joined him had it." I look back at the other three.

Damn... That Orochimaru sure had a lot of people.

"It was all a trick in the end, but he wasn't able to trick me. I used him to get stronger, just like he tried to use me to get my body." he scoffs, and I fall silent. 

Hold up... Orochiamru wanted what now?!

"He wanted your body!? Weren't you like... thirteen at the time? How could he look at a child in that way?! Did he do anything to you guys as well? Did he-" I shiver at the horrific images in my head of a small Sasuke being manipulated by that... snake!

"Would you calm down! He didn't want it in whatever disgusting way you are thinking." Sasuke hits me on the back of my head and shows me a disgusted face. "He was trying to find a way to live forever, immortality, you know. He would use other people's bodies to live on." he explains properly, and I rub the back of my head as I somehow understand.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but that sounds cool! Has he ever succeeded?" I ask, and they all look at me like I grew two heads. "Are you crazy?! How is that cool!?" Suigetsu yells. "What? You get to live forever! How is it not cool?" I ask him back. "He takes other people's lives to prolong his! That's how it's not cool!" he yells again. 

"Okay, I didn't know the technicality of it. But, I didn't say it was a good thing; I just said the idea of it working is cool." I made faces at him, and he didn't know what to answer back. "Ignore her, Suigetsu. She has a weird brain. Anyway, he did succeed, but his vessels wouldn't hold out. That's why he was after my body. Apparently, I had a strong one that would last him." he explains, and I take a moment to look at him.

I look him up and down and hum as I think of what Orochimaru saw in him. "Look in front of you." he comments as he rolls his eyes. "Well, I  have to agree with Orochimaru here. You do have a good and strong body." I nod and hear Itachi laugh behind me quietly. "Of course I do! I didn't train all my life to have a weak body." he huffs and speeds up so I don't see his red cheeks.

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