Chapter 24

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(Y/N)'s POV:

The energy in the room completely changed once the four Hokage manifested. It got heavy and intense, and you can directly know some really powerful people just showed up. It's amazing the effect they have... I didn't think it would be like this.

I look at the four previous leaders, and I'm in awe; they seriously look like such powerful beings just by standing there. Now I don't know the history of Konoha, but I've seen their faces enough times on the mountain in the village to be able to recognize them and their order.

Wait... The four previous Hokage, which means from the first to the fourth... Fourth being... 

I waste no time looking at the last person standing there, and my heart beats a million beats a minute! Oh... my... God! I slap Sai on his chest without taking my eyes off the Fourth Hokage. "Sai!" I whisper.

"(Y/N)." he whispers back.

I grab his arm and shake him, "Sai!!"

"(Y/N)." he doesn't fight me.

"That's... That's the fourth Hokage Sai!" I continue to whisper. "I know; they did say they will be bringing all four of them back." he replies. God, he wasn't understanding me! I turn to Sasuke, who was standing on my other side. "Sasuke-"

"No." he directly says. I can hear Orochimaru and the Hokage talking to each other, but I'm on a mission right now. "Come on! He's the Fourth Hokage, do you know what that means?" I wasn't whispering at this point anymore. "I do, and I don't care. We are not here for fun." he turns to glare at me.

"Sasuke, please! Just give me two minutes, five minutes tops. I have to talk to him." I didn't realize that at this point, everyone was paying attention to my conversation with Little Uchiha."(Y/N), I'm serious." he isn't even looking at me anymore.

I grab his arm and shake him a bit. "So am I! He's my future husband's father; he's like my future father-in-law! The grandfather of my future babies! I have to talk to him; just give me ten minutes." I explain. "You extended the time." he squints his eyes. So much for him not noticing.

"Father-in-law?" oh, the man himself spoke. I turn to him with my excitement showing on my face through my huge smile. "Hi! I'm (Y/N), it's an honor to meet you Fourth Hokage or Minato, whichever you prefer." I take a few steps closer to him and extend my hand out. He gently shakes it until his face turns from confused to shocked.

"Naruto's (Y/N)?" he says, and I couldn't help but blush and giggle. "Well, yes. Never been called that, but I'll take it! It's (Y/N) Uchiha, and I have to say I never thought I'd get the chance to meet you. Naruto has told me so much about your meeting with him, and he was so happy. I can't wait to see his face when I tell him I actually met you too!" I start to ramble.

"(Y/N)." Sai tried to pull me away, but I wasn't done.

"You know, I can see now where Naruto gets his looks from. You are seriously handsome, and the same bright hair and eyes, and just wow! You have passed on some great genes to your son. I mean, Uchiha's have great genes too, you can tell from my looks and Sasuke's, don't even get me started on Itachi's. But, yours aren't so bad. Can you imagine how amazing Naruto and I's babies are going to look? They will be unmatched!" I laugh, and he actually chuckles.

"(Y/N), remember the mission." Sai taps my shoulder this time. "I know, I know. Sorry, it's just a rare opportunity, and I just wanted to take it." I scratch the back of my neck. "Well, I just wanted to introduce myself." I smile at him. "It was nice to meet you too, (Y/N). To think Naruto would pick someone so similar to his mother." he chuckles.

Before I could reply to him for that amazing compliment, I'm pulled back by no other than Sasuke, and he gives me his deadliest glare. I zip my mouth and give him the stage.

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